Investigation Results In No Charges In Titusville Crash

By  //  April 23, 2013

Vehicle Driven From Scene By Passenger

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BREVARD COUNTY • TITUSVILLE, FLORIDA – An investigation of a crash in February in Titusville where a passenger drove the vehicle from the accident scene has ended.

Robert Rajah, was hit by a car on Highway 50 while walking home from work on Feb. 2. (Image courtesy of Rajah Family)
Robert Rajah, was hit by a car on Highway 50 while walking home from work on Feb. 2. (Image courtesy of Rajah Family)

Major Todd Hutchinson of the Titusville Police Department said questions were raised from the accident, which took place at 10:53 p.m. on Feb. 2.

Hutchinson said in that crash a 2001 Honda minivan, driven eastbound on State Road 50 by James Kent Sellers of Titusville, 50, struck a pedestrian, Robert Rajah of Titusville, 20, who was crossing the roadway about 159 feet west of the intersection of Hickory Hill Boulevard.

Rajah was severely injured in the accident.

Family members believe Rajah was walking home from nearby Sonny’s Restaurant where he worked.

Hutchinson said when an officer and Sellers eventually walked back to where the Honda had pulled over, they discovered it was gone.

An officer walked to Seller’s nearby residence, found the Honda and saw that his wife was visibly upset.

TITUSVILLEBADGE-150The officer observed several small cuts and blood on her face.

According to Hutchinson, the facts in the case were as follows:

• The driver in the accident remained at the scene, called 9-1-1, and was not aware his passenger had left with the vehicle until he walked back to check on her.

• A blood draw on the driver, standard for a crash involving serious injury, showed no drugs or alcohol intoxication.

• The passenger driving the vehicle from the scene did not amount to a law violation because the crash was an accident – not a crime. While unusual, there was no hampering or tampering with evidence.

• A case review was conducted by the State Attorney’s Office, which concluded that no criminal charges apply in this case.

Hutchinson said the lead crash investigator determined that the dark roadway and the pedestrian crossing the four-lane highway not at a crosswalk, was the lead factor in the crash.

Roberto has survived from his injuries and is still recovering.

No criminal charges will be filed in the case.