Scott Expected To Veto State University Tuition Increase

By  //  May 20, 2013


ABOVE VIDEO: During an interview with Sunshine State News, Florida Governor Rick Scott voices his opposition to Florida House wanting to raise college tuition.  Governor Scott is expected to veto the bill on Monday, May 20. Students at state universities including the University of Central Florida and East Florida State College (Formerly BCC) will avoid a 3 percent increase in tuition.

Gov. Rick Scott
Gov. Rick Scott

BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA – Florida’s college students will escape a 3 percent raise in tuition costs. According to a report from the Associated Press, Florida Governor Rick Scott has indicated that he will veto a 3 percent tuition increase on Monday. 

Scott’s decision to reject the increase comes as no surprise after he voiced his opposition to the increase at the 2013 Florida Legislative Session.  While tuition increases are expected to be vetoed, major education reforms were passed when Governor Scott signed SB 1076, which made major changes to high school and college education. SB 1076 adjusted testing requirements to the addition of a financial literacy requirement for high-school students to learn about credit cards, debt, and identity theft.


Eastern Florida State College will be the new name of Brevard Community College beginning July 1, 2013.  BCC’s history stretches back to 1960 when it was established as Brevard Junior College.

Since its inception, BCC has served more than a half-million students. (BCC image)
Since its inception, BCC has served more than a half-million students. (BCC image)

Eastern Florida State College will continue its focus on more than 100 two-year associate degrees and certificate programs, which will always be the College’s primary mission.

The addition of four-year bachelor’s degrees allows more students to continue their higher education at a lower cost closer to home. Initially, the College will offer a Bachelor of Applied Science Degree in Organizational Management with two concentrations — general management and health care management. The college plans to add eight more bachelor’s degrees in 2014.

CLICK HERE: BCC’s Last Graduating Class Receives Diplomas