Coastal Flooding Advisory for Brevard County

By  //  November 5, 2013

FLOODWATCH-BREVARD-sliderBREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA – The National Weather Service has issued a coastal flooding advisory for Brevard County until 11 A.M, Wednesday, Nov. 6. 

Below is an excerpt from the National Weather Service advisory.

*Beach reports indicate minor erosion has occurred along the coast along with water run up to seal walls and sand dunes in several locations. The high astronomical tides will add about a foot of water level to an already long duration  high surf event.

* Breaking surf at the beaches will reach dangerous levels of five to eight feet today and four to five feet Wednesday. The strong onshore flow will lead to rough surf with a high risk of dangerous rip currents.

* The highest waves and swell are expected to peak today during the high tides around 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.

* Additional minor to moderate erosion will occur at beaches during the next few hight tide cycles. This will allow water to run up to the dunes, with possible dune breaches in a few locations. These impacts will be magnified during high tide and at already vulnerable locations along the coast.