Florida Fish and Wildlife, Volunteers, Rescue Mother and Calf Manatee Stuck In Muck

By  //  September 11, 2016

caused by Hurricane Hermine

A mother-and-calf manatee pair were stuck in a waterlogged filtration marsh due to increased water and wind action caused by Hurricane Hermine. With the help of more than a dozen volunteers, rescuers lifted the 1,500-pound mom manatee and her 500-pound calf out of the marsh and into a transport truck where FWC Fish and Wildlife Research Institute biologists assessed the health of the displaced sea cows. (FWC Facebook Image

(FWC) – A mother-and-calf manatee pair were stuck in a waterlogged filtration marsh due to increased water and wind action caused by Hurricane Hermine.

Upon receiving calls from concerned witnesses, officers and biologists from the FWC, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) responded to the scene.

With the help of more than a dozen volunteers, they lifted the 1,500-pound mom and her 500-pound calf out of the marsh and into a transport truck.

From there the FWC Fish and Wildlife Research Institute biologists assessed the health of the displaced sea cows.

Found to be in good condition, the manatees were released back into local Crystal River waters.

Don’t you just love a happy ending?


A mother-and-calf manatee pair were stuck in a waterlogged filtration marsh due to increased water and wind action caused by Hurricane Hermine. With the help of more than a dozen volunteers, rescuers lifted the 1,500-pound mom manatee and her 500-pound calf out of the marsh and into a transport truck where FWC Fish and Wildlife Research Institute biologists assessed the health of the displaced sea cows. (FWC Facebook Image