County Commission Elects Andy Anderson As Chairman

By  //  November 28, 2012

Mary Bolin Lewis To Serve As Vice Chair

BREVARD COUNTY • MELBOURNE, FLORIDA – District 5 Brevard County Commissioner Andy Anderson has been elected as Commission Chairman for the coming year.

Andy Anderson will serve as chairman of the Brevard County commission for the coming year. (Image courtesy of Brevard County)

District 4 Commissioner Mary Bolin Lewis will serve as Vice Chair for the coming year.

The selections were made Tuesday evening during an organizational meeting of the Board of County Commissioners.

Anderson, who was serving as the commission’s Vice Chairman, succeeds Chairman Chuck Nelson of District 2.

Also during Tuesday’s meeting, Commissioner Anderson, who ran unopposed for a second term in office, and Commissioners Robin Fisher and Trudie Infantini, who won re-election earlier this month in Districts 1 and 3 respectively, were sworn into office by Brevard County Circuit Judge Charles Roberts.

The final scheduled Brevard County Commission meeting of the year is at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 11, at the county Government Center, 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way.

Anderson has served as District 5 county commissioner since 2008 and has resided in Brevard County for more than 22 years.

His executive managerial experience in project management, business administration and business operations includes more than 15 years.

He is a military veteran and served as an investigator for the U.S. Army Drug Suppression team.

Anderson is married and the father of three children.