Cocoa Beach Karate Students Test For Promotion
By Space Coast Daily // December 26, 2012
Six Advance To Next level
BREVARD COUNTY • COCOA BEACH, FLORIDA – Earlier this month, Cocoa Beach Karate School put its students, kids and adults alike, through a strict testing for grading to higher ranks.

The testing was in line with the standards of the World Matsubayashi-Ryu (Shorin-Ryu) Karate-Do Association based in Okinawa with members around the world, and to which Cocoa Beach Karate is a full member.
Students were required to perform kata (forms) according to their rank, along with the bunkai (applications against attack), as well as yakasoku kumite (sparring), board breaking and for senior students, traditional weapons (nunchaku and bo/staff)
A board of seven black belts, from 1st degree to 5th degree, acted as judges and scored each student on each activity.
Those that were successful in passing the test requirements and were promoted to the next rank included:
• Abigail Tomberlin – Green Stripe
• John Scott – 2 Green Tips
• Zachary Douglas – Yellow Belt
• Aiden Adams – Green Belt
• Nick Davidson and Jason Christian – Brown Belt/ Black Tip
Authentic karate classes are offered four times a week for children and adults at the Cocoa Beach Health & Fitness Center and the Cocoa Beach Recreation Center.
For more information, call 321-693-7831 or visit