Jess Parrish Medical Foundation Funds Help ‘Greatest Baby Shower’
By Space Coast Daily // May 3, 2015
BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA — The World’s Greatest Baby Shower will be held May 9 at The Gibson Youth Center in Titusville, with an expected attendance of over 500 moms, dads, and family members.
This educational event seeks to inform and educate expectant and pre-conceptual couples on the services, products, etc., available within Brevard County to assist with a successful pregnancy and to help build positive infant/child relationships.
The event includes vendors from local non-profit agencies and businesses who provide information to all registered participants, as well as educational workshops and information throughout the day.
This year’s workshops include SIDS prevention, Post-Partum Depression, Water Safety, Car Seat Safety, and an “Ask a Doc” panel.
The event is a joint venture of University of Florida/IFAS Extension – Brevard County, Kiwanis Club of Titusville, The Children’s Center, Parrish Medical Center, and B.E.T.A of Titusville. Funds for this years’ event were provided in part by Jess Parrish Medical Foundation.
For more information call 321-633-1702 ext. 0.