Things To Avoid After Tattoo Removal Before Resuming Your Favorite Activities

By  //  August 30, 2017

Swelling major risk for skin after tattoo removal

Mistakes aren’t as permanent as they once were with the help of today’s technology. Tattoo removal helps us get rid of unplanned or accidental tattoos which we don’t want on our bodies anymore.

Mistakes aren’t as permanent as they once were with the help of today’s technology. Tattoo removal helps us get rid of unplanned or accidental tattoos which we don’t want on our bodies anymore.

However, many think the removal of a tattoo is a process that starts and ends at the clinic. That’s not really the case as there is a period of time in which you need to be extra careful about what you expose that area to, just like when you got it tattooed.

That being said, if a tattoo is old and no longer goes with the rest of tattoos you’ve collected over the years, you probably want to remove it. But you need to take the following things into account if you want your skin to recover nicely. Without further delay, here are the top things you should avoid right after having a tattoo removed.

The sun

Just like when you got the tattoo marked for removal, you need to keep that area of your body away from direct sunlight exposure. This can lead to a lot of complications as the skin is very fragile right after the procedure. If you’re going out on a very sunny day, make sure to cover the area or wear tons of sunscreen.

The water

If it’s hot outside, you’re probably dying to take a cool bath in the sea, river or swimming pool. Unfortunately, that’s not an option if you’ve recently had a tattoo removed.

When you are submerging the area that has suffered a tattoo removal recently, you are running a high risk of getting it infected.  That’s the last thing you probably want, so you’ll have to keep away from public bathing for a while as well.

The razor

Some people dread having bears, chest hair, or hairy arms and legs. However, after a tattoo removal, putting the razor to the skin of that area is very dangerous.

As mentioned previously, the area is extremely sensitive and it’s best to keep the razor away from it for a while. Once your skin recovers, you can get back to your shaving habits in a safe manner.

The gym

If you like going to the gym or working out at home, we’ve got bad news for you. You might be forced to skip leg day after all, especially if your leg had a tattoo on it, which you’ve just removed. When you work out, your body swells.

Swelling is a major risk for skin after tattoo removal. Depending on how big the removed piece was, you might need to rest for at least a day or two before resuming your regular workout routine.

For how long?

You might be anxious to know just how long you need to stay away from all these things. There is no direct answer because it varies drastically on the size of the procedure and the patient, and how resilient or sensible their skin is.

When you get the procedure done, you should also receive information about how long it will be before you can resume all your favorite activities.