VIDEO: Altman, Mayfield, Susin at Viera High School Today To Call for CPR Training at All High Schools

By  //  November 28, 2017

Bills mirror Brevard Public Schools’ new policy

SPACE COAST DAILY TV: Government and community leaders held a meeting today at Viera High to discuss two CPR bills just filed in the Florida Legislature. Sen. Debbie Mayfield, Rep. Thad Altman and BPS School Board member Matt Susin took part in the event, along with Lexi Sima, a Viera High student, and her father Shawn Sima.

BREVARD COUNTY • VIERA, FLORIDA – Government and community leaders held a spirited meeting Tuesday at Viera High to discuss two CPR bills just filed by Sen. Debbie Mayfield and Rep. Thad Altman.

House Bill 795 and Senate Bill 996 mirror Brevard Public Schools’ new policy requiring CPR training prior to graduation, and goes further to include AED training. The goal is to make the requirement statewide.

Sen. Mayfield, Rep. Altman and BPS School Board member Matt Susin took part in the event, along with Lexi Sima, a Viera High student, and her father Shawn Sima.

The Simas have been pushing statewide for the legislation.

Approximately two years ago, Lexi went into cardiac arrest at a gym and was revived by CPR and an AED. This prompted her father to become an advocate for implementing training at the high school level.

Brevard became the 11th district in Florida requiring the instruction for graduation. The training will be incorporated into mandatory health classes and will use kits provided by the American Heart Association. The kits include tools which teach CPR skills, AED use and choking relief.

Viera High’s student government association is leading a grassroots effort to get a statewide resolution passed in December, and will be mobilizing all the other SGA chapters throughout the state for phone-banking and meeting with their local legislators to support the bills.

ABOVE: Lexi Sima, center, went into cardiac arrest at a gym and was revived by CPR and an AED by a quick-thinking Bill Skii, left. This prompted Sima’s father Shawn, right, to become an advocate for implementing training at the high school level.
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