Six Ways Men Over 60 Can Improve Their Sex Lives

By  //  February 18, 2020

While it is true that the sexual desires of men and women differ, it is normal to experience a certain decline in your sexual urges as you age, regardless of your gender.

While it is true that the sexual desires of men and women differ, it is normal to experience a certain decline in your sexual urges as you age, regardless of your gender.

There is no need to fret though because there are several ways to cope especially for men.

Thus, here are some ways on how men over 60 can improve their sex lives:

Live a Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle has a lot of benefits for your physical, mental, and even emotional health. Men are more susceptible to certain ailments and diseases as they age, such as high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high cholesterol.

All these can cause vascular dysfunctions that may lead to problems with your erection and therefore sexual performance. This is why it is important to live a healthy lifestyle, which entails the need for you to watch what you eat, get moving, and kick bad habits.

Start by being conscious of what you eat, especially since the needs of your body are already different compared to when you were younger.

Always choose the better option such as fresh fruits instead of chips, or whole grains instead of refined alternatives. Apart from this, it is time to get moving and that is if you don’t have the habit of regularly exercising.

It is important to build your stamina and endurance to ensure that you are still capable of performing in bed, much like in your younger years.

Simple measures go a long way, such as walking a couple of blocks or riding a bike to get to the grocery store instead of taking your car. In the same manner, take the stairs instead of the elevator as much as possible.

Finally, if you have the habit of drinking or smoking, now is the time to give up on those because not only will it help with your sex drive, kicking away bad habits will be good for your overall health.

Check your Heart Health

It is important to check your heart health more frequently, especially as you age. This is because you may have an underlying heart condition that may inhibit you from taking in certain supplements to aid in your sexual performance.

As such, it is important that your heart is fully capable of handling extreme emotions such as feeling overly excited or happy. Keep in mind that having trouble with erections can be an indication of other health conditions such as heart disease.

Consider Medication

There are certain enhancing pills like Semenax that can significantly improve your sex life by boosting your capability to have sex and maintain your erection.

Read the emerging health threats journal because they have several insightful reviews about these medications such as chewable erectile dysfunction pills, as well as safe places to buy it online.

Medication and prescription pills can be very helpful and effective in improving the sex lives of men over 60. Nevertheless, keep in mind to consult with your medical practitioner first regarding the use of these pills, especially if you are under certain maintenance medicines.

Communicate with your Partner

No matter what age, having open communication with your partner is important in ensuring that you have the best sexual experience each time.

Talk to your partner to get to know whether your sex drives are already mismatched so that you can take the necessary steps to meet halfway and compromise.

Having a mismatched sex drive is a common thing experienced by couples, which is why communication is all the more crucial for you to know what is important for you or for your partner in terms of sexual needs and demands. Remember that there are multiple ways to experience intimacy and pleasure.

You may want to experiment and discover different forms of stimulation that will meet both your sexual needs. The key thing is to tell your partner what you want, and in turn, ask them their preferences.

Make Time for Sex

As people age, it follows that their priorities also change. There are times when you and your partner get so caught up in the busy activities of your daily lives that you are left tired at the end of the day, leaving no room for some cuddling and intimate pleasure under the sheets.

At one point, you are raising toddlers and preschoolers, pushing off sex for a later time, thinking that you will have all the time in the world when your kids leave for college. But then, when they do leave for college, you are somehow frustrated with the fact that your sexual drive is no longer the same as it was before.

This is why it is important to make time for sex, especially when you are still young and active. But nevertheless, even if you are already over 60 and you have grandkids, it is just as important to make time for sex.

This is because for couples, having sex is one way of nurturing their relationship and fostering their intimacy, no matter what their age may be and regardless of the methods they use to keep their sex lives active.

Look into Counselling

There are instances wherein your sexual issues such as having a low libido or even erectile dysfunction may be brought about by emotional and/or psychological issues.

It is in these instances wherein you need to consider counseling or seeking the advice of a professional therapist. It is possible that your sexual troubles may be caused by certain psychological issues such as anxiety, depression, or constant stress.

Being able to address the emotional component that is causing your sexual troubles can significantly help in the long run, not only on your sex life but to your overall well-being.

People who have reached the peak of adulthood, particularly men over 60, can definitely still improve their sex lives. While certain changes are inevitable, there are several ways on how men can cope and maintain healthy sexual relations.

People who have reached the peak of adulthood, particularly men over 60, can definitely still improve their sex lives. While certain changes are inevitable, there are several ways on how men can cope and maintain healthy sexual relations.

Keep in mind to stay physically and mentally healthy because this is essential in ensuring that your sex life at its peak regardless of age.