Car Accident While Pregnant: The Necessary Steps to Take to Maximize Compensation

By  //  March 7, 2020

Unlike previous generations, today’s women are more out and about during their pregnancy. You can see lots of women driving back and forth during their third trimester,  maybe even until their due date.

The thoughts and emotions of giving birth to a healthy baby and becoming a mom surpass everything else in your life, and the thought of being in a car accident at this time can be terrifying.

But the dangers of driving while pregnant are very real with an estimation of 300 to 5000 fetal deaths resulting from car accidents.

A study carried out by the University of Michigan, estimated that 170,000 pregnant women are involved each year in a car crash, with an average of 2.9% of women sustaining injuries.

It’s bad enough to be involved in a car accident, let alone while pregnant. It is your right to seek legal representation to make a claim and receive compensation, if this ever happens to you You can use this guide to help you if you’re ever in an accident.

Medical Attention

Your first thoughts, if involved in a car accident while pregnant, will turn to your unborn baby. In fact, you might risk your health and the baby’s health if you don’t seek medical care promptly after an accident.

An accident can lead to premature birth, hemorrhaging, (vaginal) bleeding, or miscarriage.

Not all symptoms will show up right after an accident. You will probably need more than one checkup even if you think your injury is minimal because even if you don’t seem injured, your baby might be.

Make sure the doctor checking you up knows you are pregnant, as you might be at a very early stage of pregnancy. You have to keep a record of any examinations or tests you have undergone since they will be used by a lawyer to file a case.

It is advised to read more about how fetal injuries and pregnancy complications stemming from a crash can affect your legal settlement. You have the right to seek compensation for medical costs, as well as the emotional trauma you suffered.

Exchange Contact Information 

It is imperative to exchange contact information immediately. If you can’t, have someone else exchange contact information with the other driver.

There is no need to discuss anything with the other driver besides getting their insurance information, personal contact info, and so on.

It’s not advisable to engage in conversation because it may be used against you later on and could hurt your case. Even in minor accidents, people are in a state of shock and confusion, which could make them give away information that they shouldn’t. 

Take Pictures of the Scene and Injuries

Collecting evidence by taking pictures of the scene can help your case. If you can’t do so, you need to contact someone, either your lawyer or someone close to you, to handle this.

The evidence of a car accident can quickly disappear, so you have to take pictures as soon as you can. If there are visible physical injuries on you, take pictures of those too.

These pictures can help your lawyer, as they might determine several aspects of the crash. By this time, the police will most likely have arrived and written up a report. Don’t leave the scene until you are authorized to. 

Types of Lawsuits


Most car crash victims hire personal injury lawyers. Car crashes account for the bulk of personal injury claims. A lawyer may decide your best compensation will be gained by filing a negligence claim.

This needs the lawyer to prove that the other driver was driving irresponsibly or was distracted. If the driver broke traffic laws or was DUI (driving under the influence), it will be easier to prove than distracted driving.

You can sue for loss of wages if the accident has forced you to stop working and get compensated for all your medical costs starting from the time of the accident, among other compensations.

Wrongful death: 

When a car accident has caused fatalities, then a wrongful death claim should be made. You have the right to sue for funeral expenses, loss of wages, and more. Surviving members of your family also have the right to make this claim.   

One of the factors that determine how much compensation you receive is how much you were at fault. If you are found not to be at fault at all, you can receive full compensation.

If it’s determined you were at fault, say 10%, your compensation might be decreased by 10%. If you’ve been in an accident while pregnant, contact an experienced lawyer to have the best chance to receive rightful and maximum compensation.