Modern Trends in Contemporary Healthcare Education

By  //  May 13, 2020

The education system in healthcare is undergoing major changes today. The transition to new generation standards is a big leap forward, and it requires serious mobilization of joint efforts, both in medical schools and in medical organizations as a whole.

The education system in healthcare is undergoing major changes today. The transition to new generation standards is a big leap forward, and it requires serious mobilization of joint efforts, both in medical schools and in medical organizations as a whole.

This includes the organization of teaching rooms and phantom classrooms, the creation of simulation centers that strengthen decades-old medical schools and help organically fit into modern rapidly changing realities, taking into account the specifics of each medical institution.

One of the priority tasks of the development of modern healthcare is the training of highly qualified medical personnel, and today it is more relevant than ever. Some graduates, having mastered the profession, go either to private clinics because of higher wages, or generally leave the medicine.

Against the background of the outflow of specialists, the following prerequisites were identified: fear of graduates in front of patients, lack of communication skills in communicating with patients, the dissatisfaction of patients, lack of time to practice each skill, limited access for students to treatment rooms, psychological fear of performing the procedure, and high risk to patient’s health.

And how to master medical skills without causing harm to the patient? While obtaining theoretical knowledge is not very difficult, since students and specialists have books, articles, lectures, videos, practical experience is always difficult to achieve, and most importantly, there is a risk to the health of a real patient. 

The Use of Simulation Centers

To this end, simulation centers and study rooms have been created and are being created worldwide, in which, during training, a professional action can be repeated several times to develop confidence in fulfilling and eliminating errors. For this, game teaching methods are used, as well as special simulators and phantoms.

As a result, both the teacher and the student benefit, because the teacher can not only explain, but practically show the material, and the student can harmoniously combine theoretical knowledge with practical skills.

Simulation training began to be actively used in the second half of the last century in those industries where errors in training at real facilities can lead to tragic consequences.

These are aviation, nuclear energy, and railway transport. In medicine, this type of training of specialists began to develop actively in the 70s, and today is the generally accepted norm for almost all models of medical education.

The introduction of simulation methods of training in the practice of training the graduates of medical institutions and young specialists is a vital necessity and is approved by law and being described in assignments of an essay writing service.

Students of higher and secondary medical, educational institutions who have completed the necessary theoretical training and have practical skills acquired on simulators (phantoms) are allowed to participate in the provision of medical care to citizens.

Significance of High-tech Techniques

The rapid development of medical science and the increasing use of high-tech nursing techniques, such as the placement of intravenous silicone lines, impose new requirements on the training of specialists and dictate the need for compulsory preliminary training on avatars and simulators.

The rapid development of medical science and the increasing use of high-tech nursing techniques, such as the placement of intravenous silicone lines, impose new requirements on the training of specialists and dictate the need for compulsory preliminary training on avatars and simulators.

Besides, modern simulators allow you to simulate those clinical situations that are rare in the practice of a nurse.