Free Spirited 20-Year-Old Disrupts Social Media Influencing With Comedic Content

By  //  June 5, 2020

Influencer and online sensation, Zhongni Zhu, defies all odds as he continues to raise the bar in social media influencing.

Influencer and online sensation, Zhongni Zhu, defies all odds as he continues to raise the bar in social media influencing.

Born in Russia in March 2020, Zhongni Zhu has always had comedy and humor in his DNA. However, his journey to stardom was not the smoothest as he was sent to live with his grandparents at a tender age because his single mother wanted the best possible education for him.

Zhong quickly became a globetrotter, moving from one location to another, including Sweden and London. Zhong did not allow his humble beginning or his family’s financial struggles to deter him from greatness

. His journey to social media influencing started in 2013 after receiving his first smartphone, an iPhone 4. 

Technological advancements have led to several innovations, changing the way people communicate and entertain themselves. The emergence of social media, which has been described as a global powerhouse in the world of entertainment has further revolutionized communication and the exchange of information.

Consequently, young, inspiring talents have taken to such platforms to express themselves regardless of their location worldwide.

However, the increasing popularity of social media has made it relatively harder for influencers to find success, with only the unique and versatile ones rising to the top and staying there. Zhong is one of such individuals that have stood their ground in the social media space. 

Thanks to his funny personality and comedic videos, Zhong has grown to become a renowned social media influencer. His first phone led to the discovery of Instagram, a platform that allows people to share different kinds of content.

His discovery reignited his love for humor and he almost immediately started his Instagram page – EpicFunnyPage. The primary goal of starting the page was to spread positivity and happiness using funny memes. 

Fast-forward to 2020, the Instagram account has grown unimaginably, with more than 17 million subscribers. Zhong is arguably one of the biggest profiles in the meme community, living the dream that most people can only fantasize about at the age of 20.