How to Keep Your New Year’s Health Resolutions This Year

By  //  January 7, 2021

In theory, keeping your New Year’s health resolutions should be easy because the body thrives when it is healthy, right? Unfortunately, the body and the brain craves what isn’t good for it because, in the short term, that shot of energy in the form of sugar feels better than other, healthier alternatives.

With this guide, however, you’ll be able to stick with your resolutions for one simple fact: they’re easy and feel great!

Be Active by Having Fun 

If you wasted many, many months of inactive gym subscriptions, it’s time to stop. Being active does not have to happen in a gym. For some, gyms might even be closed. It’s also important to remember that, when it comes to weight loss, exercise does minimal.

What it does do, however, is help you feel stronger, help you feel more alert, and most of all, helps keep you active and in shape throughout your life.

There are so many different options and ways you can exercise without the gym, but how you go about it is up to you. If you love the gym, then keep going at it.

Otherwise, find something you have fun with. This could be running, or dancing, or kickboxing. Try out different things with taster classes, and don’t stop until you find something that you are thrilled and happy to enjoy.

Let Your Body to the Work 

There are so many easy ways to get your body to help you with your new year’s health resolutions. Intermittent fasting is just one example, as when done properly it forces your body to consume more body fat as energy.

You can fast for 12 hours or for 16 and still have a period where you can eat during your day. Or, if you really wanted to see some serious health benefits from fasting, try a 24 hour fasting period (usually done just once or twice a week).

By fasting for 24 hours, your body begins a process known as autophagy. What is autophagy? It’s essentially a state where your body rejuvenates cells and tissue, though its benefits go far beyond that.

It is important to remember that trying to fast for longer than 24 hours requires a health care physician’s supervision, especially if you are not used to it, have pre-existing conditions, operate heavy machinery, or are even still going in to work. Make sure to learn as much as you can, as well as what foods you should eat, to ensure your fast is safe and effective.

Remove Unhealthy Temptations and Replace with Healthier Alternatives

Unhealthy foods are addictive, and the best way to start eating healthier is to take these unhealthy temptations out of the equation.

This doesn’t mean you need to eat a strict diet and cannot enjoy food, but try to reduce or eliminate foods that provide little to no nutritional value. Next time you go on your weekly shopping trip, simply avoid buying those bad items as this will remove the temptation from your home.

The next step is to replace those snacks and foods with healthy alternatives, such as fruit, grains, or even options with less sugar. It doesn’t matter if those nuts have more fat than the chocolate bar because they also contain lots of protein and are great for your health.

Make Cooking Fun Again 

Cooking food at home is the best way to stay healthy and to reach diet goals, especially if you combine it with intermittent fasting options. This way, you can eat well and reward your body after a fasting period, rather than stuffing it with foods that only serve to bring you down.