Some Good and Some Bad Wallets for Storing Bitcoins!

By  //  January 4, 2021

Bitcoins are stored in wallets that are basically software that doesn’t technically store the bitcoin. Bitcoin wallets allow users to send and receive bitcoin using the bitcoin address and private keys. The private keys must be protected using security methods to protect the bitcoins.

Because the bitcoin wallets are online wallets, these are more vulnerable to malware attacks. Users must use security methods to protect the private keys from hackers or attackers. You can download the app of bit qt  to learn more about it.

It is crucial to choose the best wallet to store your bitcoins from a plethora of available options. We will have a look at the various types of wallets available for storing the bitcoins.

Hardware wallets

Hardware wallets are the special wallets that store private keys on security devices. The private keys are stored in internal storage, and these are resistant to both digital and physical attacks. The storage devices only allow the signed transactions and never communicate any confidential data to all the devices.

These wallets are considered the safest wallets to store bitcoins and are quite user-friendly. The main disadvantage of hardware wallets is that they are costly than other wallets.

Cold storage wallets

A cold storage wallet is one of the best wallets because it stores the private keys offline on a computer. In cold storage wallets, the unsigned transactions are created online, and that transaction is transferred offline, and then again, the signed transactions are moved online to the bitcoin network.

The funds are managed offline in cold storage wallets. If the cold storage wallet is used in the right way, it will protect them against viruses and attacks by hackers.

In some terms, the cold wallets are the same as hardware wallets, but the only disadvantage is that making the transactions in cold wallets is difficult and time-consuming.

Multisignature wallets

In multisignature wallets, the private keys are used to transfer the bitcoins. In these wallets, the agreement is required of multiple people and through which bitcoins are sent. Such wallets are used for backup in many applications. It reduces the risk of hackers and malware to attack the bitcoins.

The multi-signature wallet’s main benefit is that these are cheaper than other wallets are implemented in software. It is quite easy to download the multi-signature wallet for free and is highly convenient because the keys of this wallet are stored online. The user interface of multi-signature wallets is quite easy and intuitive.

Hot wallets

Hot wallets are the single signature wallets. The hot wallets store the private keys on either a mobile phone or a computer. The bitcoin wallet software of most wallets is hot wallets. These wallets allow users to easily access the bitcoins, but bitcoins are more vulnerable to hackers and thieves in these wallets.

People who deal in bitcoins regularly can think of using hot wallets, but it is not appropriate for users who want to store bitcoin in a large amount. As compared to other wallets like multi-signature, cold storage, and hardware wallets, the hot wallets provide fewer security options to users and are not that convenient.

Bad wallets for storing the bitcoins

Paper wallets

The paper wallet is the most unsafe method for beginners to store bitcoins. The private keys of paper wallets are stored on paper that is not safe, and to make the private keys safe, the paper wallets reuse the address and require a complicated operating system. If you still use paper wallets, it is better to use seed phrases to protect your private keys.

Web wallets

There are plenty of disadvantages of web wallets. In web wallets, the private keys are handled by third parties, which makes it easy for third parties to access your private keys. This makes the private keys more vulnerable to hacks and attacks. Undoubtedly, there are some top-notch web wallets, but there is always a risk of using web wallets.

Custodial wallets

Custodial wallets are the wallets on where the third-parties, broker, or exchange holds the bitcoins. If you don’t have access to private keys that you know own the bitcoins, there is a protocol. There have been many cases where the owner lost their private keys due to custodial wallets.