Causes of Post Workout Muscle Ache

By  //  June 25, 2021

Do you ever feel sore after pushing yourself harder than usual or starting a new workout program? Muscle soreness may show up one day or two days after exercising and can affect nearly everyone, no matter their fitness level. This form of muscle soreness is commonly referred to as delayed onset muscle soreness or DOMS.

Remember, you will not feel sore during your workouts.

If you feel pain during or immediately after working out, this is a different type of muscle soreness. It is known as acute muscle soreness. It is the burning sensation you may feel in your muscles during a workout and is commonly caused by the quick buildup or accumulation of lactic acid.

This pain may disappear shortly after your workout. If you’re experiencing excessive pain, consult with a reputable chiropractor Ajax

Post-workout muscle ache can reduce your range of muscle strength and motion. It is widely considered a sign that your muscles are already adapting to the new loads.

There is a widespread misconception that delayed onset muscle soreness is associated with the buildup of lactic acid. This is not always the case and for several reasons. 

First, lactic acid lasts in your muscles for one to two hours after the workout. So there’s no way it will cause muscle soreness 48 hours after the workout session.

Secondly, high-intensity training or resistance training can cause micro-tears of various muscle fibers. This could increase the amount of blood flow and inflammation to that muscle, leading to mild swelling, which, in turn, stimulates pain receptors within the muscle tissue and makes them sensitive to movement. This is another cause of muscle soreness during and immediately after workouts.

Dealing with post-workout muscle soreness

While delayed onset muscle soreness is considered a natural process that confirms that your muscles are adapting to the new loads and becoming stronger, this condition can cause discomfort. The good news is that there are several steps you can take to alleviate post-workout muscle soreness. 

Regular exercise is one of the best ways to relieve DOMS. Consider doing gentle workouts such as light cardio, yoga, or stretching a day or two after high resistance training.

Pick up the intensity of training once the post-workout muscle soreness is gone. You may also want to introduce new exercises within a period of one to two weeks. Remember, exercising consistently will help your muscles adapt to your new lifestyle.

Taking longer warm-ups before you begin your resistance training could also minimize the instances of severe post-workout muscle soreness. You can also take Epsom salts which are made from magnesium. This mineral has proven to help relax muscles and improve overall circulation.

Another way of addressing post-workout muscle soreness is to mix up your workout routine. For example, you can work your arms, do leg exercises and workouts involving your core on different days. This will give your muscles enough time to recover. Be sure to drink plenty of water and replenish your body’s electrolytes with a balanced diet full of vegetables and fruits. Bananas and leafy greens are two important options to help you get started.