Common Causes of Traffic Accidents (And What You Can Do To Prevent Them)

By  //  June 23, 2021

A traffic accident is a situation you’d never want to be involved in, as it is quite a stressful, painful, and sometimes even deadly experience. 

Millions of lives are lost every year to traffic accidents, and thousands of lives are forever changed for the worse by traffic accidents. These tragedies could be avoided if we become a little bit more proactive in preventing them.

Let’s identify the common causes of traffic accidents and discover what we can do to avoid becoming a number on the statistics.


According to Abels & Annes, trusted Chicago-based auto accident lawyers, one of the most common causes of vehicular accidents they see in their practice is overspeeding. An abrupt stop, a person crossing the road, or a patch of black ice may all convert a fast automobile into a dangerous hazard, because fast drivers have less time to respond to changing conditions.

How to avoid this: Drive under the speed limit. It is better to arrive a little bit late than not at all.

Drunk, Drugged, or Drowsy Driving

Driving under the influence is never a good idea. Whether it be alcohol or other substances that impair normal function, driving in such a state is a sure recipe for disaster. The same goes for drowsy driving – the body is not in its best condition for going behind the wheel when it is affected by a lack of rest. 

How to avoid this: Never drive when you are drunk, drugged, or drowsy.  If a friend is planning to drive with any of these three D’s, do not allow them to. Sober up, sleep it off, have someone sober drive you, or hop on a cab.

Distracted Driving

Driving is serious business. Many times, drivers lose control over their vehicles when presented with a distraction (such as an unruly passenger), or when they willfully allow themselves to focus on anything other than the road (such as texting while driving).

How to avoid this: Ensure that your focus is on driving 100% of the time – not on your phone, not anywhere else but the road. Everything else can wait until you arrive safely.

Failure to Obey Traffic and Safety Rules

Jumping the red light, driving on the wrong lane, making an illegal turn, not using signal lights, sticking any body part out of the window – these actions could end up getting you in a traffic accident faster than you can say “sorry”, and involving other innocent people into the fray.

How to avoid this: Follow traffic rules and obey all safety precautions. They were made to keep you away from harm, and to keep the roads safe for others too.

Mechanical Failures

A rusty car is not a trusty car. Mechanical failures are one of the leading causes of preventable traffic accidents. Never put your life and others’ lives on the line by driving a vehicle that is not in optimal condition. 

How to avoid this: Keep your vehicle in tip-top shape. Regularly check battery, lights, oil, water, brakes, oil, gas, engine, and tires.

Road and Weather Conditions

Rain, sleet, snow, fog, potholes, rocks, and obstructions – or any combination of poor weather and sub-optimal road conditions – may cause vehicular accidents that range from a survivable swerve to a fatal crash.

How to avoid this: When in doubt, wait it out. Braving it may cause more harm than good, not just to you, but others as well.

Bonus: Non-Use or Wrong Use of Safety Gear

Oftentimes, drivers and passengers alike would underestimate the precaution of using proper protective equipment when riding out – seatbelts, helmets, and car seats for children. While these won’t actively prevent vehicular accidents, they might just save your life in case you get in one.

How to avoid this: Always use safety gear. They were made to offer potentially life-saving protection. Always check what gear is best for the journey at hand, and for the person who will be using it.

What safety precautions do you take to prevent traffic accidents? Share it in the comments to potentially save lives!