COVID-19, Charter Education, and the Educators of Tomorrow

By  //  August 10, 2021

As of February of this year, Governor Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania has been pushing to change how his state regulates and funds their charter schools. Governor Wolf’s goal is to reform the charter school system so that the independently run schools spend less money.

Because of the waves, Wolf is making in the charter school system, many other states, politicians, and educators are looking for ways to reform charter schools to be less expensive but still provide a superior education for their students.

How The Pandemic Is Inciting Change

Governor Wolf of Pennsylvania cites the pandemic as a significant reason for charter school legislature changes. According to Wolf, the charter school legislation in Pennsylvania is outdated and not suited for cyber education, which has become necessary in this pandemic environment.

Most of Wolf’s push for reform relates to finances and cyber education. But, as nearly every school in the nation learned in 2020, cyber education is possible, and we know how to set up the classes and system so that it is effective and does not waste money.

What Does This Mean For The Rest Of The Nation?

So far, Governor Wolf of Pennsylvania is one of the most prominent political leaders looking to reform their state’s charter school system legislature. Although he is at the forefront of this movement, we could expect other states to follow his path, either by applying it to their states or coming up with new ways for innovation.

It only makes sense for charter school legislature to be updated to match this new environment of cyber education. Even as the pandemic is ending, many schools are still opting for online learning convenience, affordability, and customization.

It seems only natural that the charter school legislature should be updated to match the current environment of the schools themselves. Only then will the schools be progressing towards more social, economic, and educational success.

Future Educators

Whether or not you agree with Governor Tom Wolf’s legislature, one thing stands true: the pandemic has transformed education, and it seems only natural for charter school legislation to change as well. Only through change and innovation, our education system can improve to enlighten and educate our leaders of tomorrow fully.

Charter school innovation is just one of the areas in which we can equip our youth to be the better leaders of tomorrow.

With the help of Cohen Schneider Law on your side, you can turn your vision of starting an innovative charter school into a reality. It only takes a little bit of passion, hard work, and innovation to transform the lives of your students completely. Whether you agree with Governor Wolf or not, we can help you bring your charter school to life.