How to Stay Comfortable On Your Summer Runs

By  //  August 9, 2021

The summer is one of the best seasons for staying active outdoors, and yet it also brings with it just as many challenges as the colder months, and if you aren’t prepared then runs can get uncomfortable pretty quickly.

Thankfully there are plenty of steps to take to make summer runs as enjoyable as possible, so here are just a few tips to take onboard.

Prevent sun damage

When the weather is warm, the sun is your number one enemy if you are exercising, as if you are exposed to its harmful rays then you could suffer from burns, premature ageing and also increase your risks of skin cancer.

Investing in high SPF sunscreens, which are also waterproof so that they are not affected by your sweat, is a good start. You should also pick up the best running hats to shield your eyes from UV rays and supplement the abilities of a pair of sunglasses, while also protecting your face from burns and blistering in balmy conditions.

Drink plenty of fluids

Your fluid intake is important whatever the weather you are running in, but especially so in the summer when you will be sweating more and thus have a need to replenish the liquids that are lost from your body in the heat.

Drinking water before a run, and also taking a bottle with you when you hit the road, should be a priority. You can also invest in specialist accessories, such as camel packs, which make it easier to stay hydrated when on the move.

Bear in mind that maintaining a healthy level of hydration is not just about preventing health issues, but also about allowing you to hit peak performance, which is relevant whether you are running for fun, fitness, or competitively.

Choose breathable clothing

We have already talked about sweating and sun damage, and both of these factors can lead to discomfort, so the kind of clothing you wear should take this into consideration.

You may be tempted to wear as little as possible on runs in the sun, but rather than exposing a lot of your skin in an attempt to keep cool, it is better to opt for garments that cover as much of your skin as you can stand, while also using breathable synthetic materials rather than moisture-absorbing natural fibers.

Another factor to take into account when it comes to clothing is that the color actually matters. You will get much more hot and bothered if you are wearing a black top compared with a white or light-colored one, since the latter will reflect the heat and allow your body to stay as chilled as possible.

Time your runs appropriately

If possible, aim to run early in the day, preferably during the cool hours of the morning, since as soon as the sun has been beaming down for a few hours, the heat will simply build and build until the thought of any kind of exercise becomes intolerable.

You might think that holding out until the evening will give you some respite, but unfortunately even after the sun sets, the land will start radiating the heat it has soaked up during the day, so again mornings are better by far.

If all else fails, find an air conditioned indoor gym with treadmills for your summer runs, rather than risking the discomfort and damage that can be done outdoors during this season. And of course the more flexible you are with your schedule, the easier it will be to run in the summer without putting yourself at risk.