Do Not Suffer for Long – Seek Medical Help for Acute Pelvic Pain

By  //  November 2, 2021

Are you suffering from urine inconsistency? Do you feel pressure or pain in the lower back during bowel clearing? These are alarming signs, and the suggestion is to see the medical center immediately. More than 35% of the men experience at least one of the symptoms during their lifetime.

Some ignore it, but it is advisable to see the doctor and get the treatment. Let’s understand the reasons and simple treatment options to get relief.

The pain starts in older adults; the study reveals the average age of affected men is 41 years. The pain generally subsides in few months but may last over two years. More than 80% of men felt stress as the leading cause of pain, and only 20% of men had other reasons.

66% of men experience pain in the testicular region, 65% in the Perineal, and 45% in the Penile area. Lumbar pain and discomfort in the buttocks are less than 10% men. Check with your doctor or the nearest center for vascular medicine offers pelvic pain treatment for men.

CPPS – Know more

Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS/CP) is more common in men than women. It is also known as Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis (CBP), and the condition is a combination of prostrate, urologic, and sexual dysfunction. It is one of the four types of prostatitis, including acute bacterial prostatitis, chronic bacterial prostatitis, and asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis. 

The conventional symptoms are: 

■ Chills and fever

■ Erectile dysfunction

■ Pain during ejaculation

■ Abdomen pain

■ Anal pain

■ Groin and bladder discomfort

■ Painful urination

■ Burning sensation during urination

■ Blockage of urine

The causes are:

CPPS is still a deliberation for many doctors, and therefore, the exact causes are unknown. However, infection is one major cause that may reoccur. Inflammation of glands is another issue. Spasms in the pelvis area also cause pelvic discomfort.

Here is the list of significant reasons based on several case studies:

■ Stress that results in tightening of pelvic muscles

■ The reverse flow of urine to the prostrate duct

■ Avoiding to ejaculate

The diagnosis is the key:

If you experience any one symptom for a long span or two, it is a solid reason to seek medical care. Your physician will question you about symptoms and health history. You may have to go for a physical examination. Urine, blood, and semen samples are also helpful for better diagnosis.

Some of the other diagnostic methods are sonography of the abdomen or transrectal ultrasound. In some cases, the radiologist may ask for a biopsy – a small piece of tissue from the affected area goes for microscopic examination.

You might undergo a CT scan or MRI for further studies. Urodynamic studies are also essential to check the urine flow. All the diagnoses and prognoses are of the abdomen and pelvic area.

The treatment is simple and gives relief:

■ Antibiotics

■ Anti-inflammatory drugs

■ Muscle relaxants

■ Sitz baths

■ Alpha-blocker medications

■ Prostate massages

■ Surgery

■ Alternative therapy like pelvic exercises

■ Herbal medicine and Biofeedback are also common

At the end:

A healthy lifestyle is a key to most of the disease and health conditions. Maintain a stress-free life, exercise regularly, and seek medical help if you observe any changes in the body or experience discomfort.