6 Career Paths and Specialties for Nurses

By  //  March 9, 2022

As a nurse, there are lots of career paths and a myriad of specialties that you can decide to take on. The road that you should travel may be confusing, considering the amount of information and options you have at your fingertips. Looking around and seeing the decisions that your colleagues may be making can also add to the stress.

You’re advised to look at the options and assess each according to your goals, desires, and interests.

Here are six career paths and specialties you can consider as a nurse.

1. Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)

Obtaining a master of science in nursing is a specialty you may consider if you wish to venture into a specialty. With a master’s degree, you can become a mental health practitioner, for example, where you handle psychiatric evaluations and wellness as opposed to a medical assessment.

Such high-value and delicate skills require a Master’s degree as the specific knowledge required from you will be at an advanced stage. The career options available after pursuing a Master of Science in Nursing are plenty as shown in this post by Medical Aid.

2. Researcher

If the academic aspect of nursing is of major interest to you, you can become a researcher. As a nurse researcher, you can work with a forensics team and present information that is aligned with your expertise as per case requirements.

You can also venture into publishing articles in medical journals which are utilized by student nurses and practicing nurses alike when seeking published and verified information. As a researcher, you can also present findings of gaps that you may identify in the medical space. These types of data may be used for medical inventions and progressive treatment.

3. Educator

As an educator, you get to impart the knowledge that you acquired. This could be in the setting of a medical school where you guide the students in practical lessons and examinations. You may also decide to be an educator at a hospital and work closely with those in internship programs.

In such a setting, you get to monitor the progress of the interns, assess assignments, and grade them accordingly. Nowadays, nurses are required to work in schools to care for the school children’s wellness regarding behavior and prescribed medications. The alternatives to becoming a nurse educator are endless.

4. Dialysis Nurse

A dialysis nurse is responsible for providing information regarding kidney disease to both the patient and loved ones. As a dialysis nurse, you will be monitoring the patient’s progress during and post-dialysis for any reactions to the treatment. Should there be any concerns regarding the patient’s response to the treatment, you communicate with the doctor for appropriate medical intervention.

The dialysis process may be a grueling one for patients as they respond differently to the procedure. Beyond providing the medical care required, a dialysis nurse’s role is to provide a positive and comfortable space for the patient during the treatment processes.

5. Travel Nurse

There are different kinds of travel nurses where one includes merging your love of travel with your career. A travel nurse is one that that travels with groups of people and is in charge of their wellness during the trip. Various groups require a travel nurse on board such as government delegations, students on trips that are either local or abroad, or groups of tourists on adrenalin-based adventures.

The other type of travel nurse is one where you’re dispatched to places where there is a high need for nursing care. You can register as a travel nurse and get called out to areas where natural disasters would have happened, or where there would have been an outbreak. Most travel nurse positions are temporary and go by contracts. If you enjoy different working scenarios and frequent changes in the environment, becoming a travel nurse may be one of your interests.

6. Sports Medicine Nurse

The world of sports is rife with injuries, meaning that a sports medicine nurse is a crucial part of the team. A sports medicine nurse is in charge of providing healthcare services to injured athletes. Health care services include prescribing medication, ongoing physical therapy, and athletes’ mental wellness if you’re qualified as a mental health practitioner. You can also teach athletes about injury prevention and the steps to take for post-injury self-care. Becoming a sports medicine nurse may also involve some travel as you would have to accompany the team to the various performing spaces.


The options as to what you can become as a nurse are aplenty. You can carry on with studies by obtaining a Master’s of science in nursing degree, becoming a researcher, or an educator. Becoming a travel nurse that accompanies groups or one dispatched to areas with high nursing demand is another route you can take.

You can also consider practicing as a sports medicine nurse or a dialysis nurse. Take your time when researching the various options and engage authentic platforms that assist you in reaching your nursing goal.