Are You Getting Overwhelmed By Your Studies? Then This Thought Can Help You

By  //  April 27, 2022

Your calendar is full. Your to-do list is even fuller. And your head is about to explode. The limit has been reached. You can’t anymore, you’re tired. Just before giving up. You work and learn around the clock. All-day long – and have been for weeks. But it’s not enough. You’re not following. For every completed task, three new ones are added. Your studies did it: It brought you to the brink of a full-blown crisis.

Burnout? Perhaps.

Overwhelmed? Surely.

I know how you feel. Helpless. Left alone. Paralyzed. No longer able to cope with the pressure of your daily commitments. The thought of the next phase of the exam causes you to panic. You sometimes lie awake at night and can’t sleep out of fear for the future. Your head won’t let you.

That’s why we’re helping him now.

With a simple thought.

The Problem

Your studies are getting too much for you. But you are not alone with this problem. Many students feel overwhelmed with their current situation. They feel like they are losing control of their student life, even though they are hardworking and trying their best to meet their daily demands.

But it’s not enough. There is not enough time to learn the entire material; not enough energy to do eight, ten, or twelve hours of concentrated work every day; the money is not enough to make ends meet without a part-time job.

Over time, that not-enough feeling takes over your mindset. At first, there are only a few moments when you become aware of this lack of resources, but gradually you feel more and more backed into a corner until at some point you think: “I can’t do all this”.

And then you’re stuck.

How to free yourself:

This Thought Can Help You

Overwork is not an exclusive problem for students. Many people do not feel up to their tasks. But in most cases, this oppressive state is caused by unfavorable thought patterns. Thought patterns that want you to believe that you have to tackle every little obligation and every imaginable to-do that comes your way and do it perfectly.

But this thought is wrong.

He is wrong and dangerous. It ensures that you set a performance standard for yourself that you can never meet. And that makes you lose your bearings, get bogged down, and get sick. The next time you feel overwhelmed and think “I can’t do this,” I have good news for you:

You can’t do everything.

Your studies are designed in such a way that you will never be able to read, summarize and learn everything there is to read, summarize and learn – at least not in the given time and with your finite resources. Compared to your personal framework, the workload of your studies is infinitely large. Therefore, it is impossible for you to complete all tasks, commitments, and to-dos:

You can’t do everything. So you don’t have to do everything.

Your studies are designed to take you out of your mental comfort zone. It should overwhelm you so that you grow beyond yourself. It’s tough and uncomfortable – but efficient. It’s rough and means at times – but it encourages your advancement. But only if you pay attention to one essential point:

You can’t do everything. So you don’t have to do everything. That’s why you mustn’t try to do everything.

If you know that you will never be able to cope with all the demands and that there is always more to do than you have time, energy, and other resources, you must not do one thing: try to do everything anyway. Because when you do that, you’re giving yourself an impossible challenge. You torment yourself with no prospect of success. You damage yourself in the long term and drive yourself to personal ruin.

But how do you solve this problem?

The Solution

Your situation looks more complicated than it really is. Because: Every person with responsibility is confronted with the scarcity described. But how do your fellow sufferers deal with this problem?

The solution to the imbalance isn’t to work more or harder — it’s smarter and more selective. The basic rule for this is:

You don’t have to do everything – you just have to keep an eye on everything.

You need to know what responsibilities are important to you. You have to keep an overview and not lose your bearings between your to-dos and appointments. Because if you don’t have this overview, the powerlessness described will come from above and the feeling of being overwhelmed will return.

Conclusion and Task for You

Your overload is self-made and based on wrong thought patterns. You don’t imagine your unfavorable situation, but you maneuver yourself into a rousing whirlpool towards burnout through a misunderstood performance claim on yourself.

Luckily, the solution to this problem lies with you, too, and it starts with changing your mindset: you can’t do everything. So you don’t have to do everything. That’s why you mustn’t try to do everything. And further: You don’t have to do everything – you just have to keep an eye on everything.

Finally, I have three tasks for you that will help you to overcome your feeling of being overwhelmed. Here we go:

Write down the new thought patterns from above (“You can’t do everything…”) five times and then repeat them five times out loud in front of a mirror!

Get an overview of all tasks and obligations that affect you now or in the future! Collect really EVERYTHING you can think of on a list and record every step, no matter how small!

Sort your list and prioritize! Which tasks are really important? Which are urgent? Which ones can you neglect for the time being or generally?

With this simple three-step plan you can conquer your mental overload. Realize that you don’t have to do everything and focus on staying on top of things. Then set smart priorities and don’t overload your free capacities with studying – get help from custom essay writing services when you need it! In the short term, this kind of personal exploitation can work; but in the long run, it will destroy you.