Impact on Memory Due to Panic Disorder

By  //  May 19, 2022

Many people are blindsided by panic disorder because these recurring periods of acute dread appear out of nowhere. Their volatility is one of the reasons why people are afraid of them. Anxiety can cause memory loss, making it difficult to remember what happened and how during a panic attack.

If you want to know the impact on memory due to panic disorder and how we can treat it, then you must read this article. Let us have a look at what a panic disorder is.

Panic disorder?

Panic disorder is marked by frequent panic or fright attacks. Everyone experiences anxiety and panic from time to time. It’s a natural reaction to stressful or potentially dangerous situations.

Impact on memory due to panic disorder

Some panic attack sufferers have trouble recalling what occurred before or during the incident. Memory loss caused by panic can occur for the very same causes that memory loss caused by general anxiety.

Anxiety includes panic attacks, which are brief moments of acute dread. They strike suddenly and unexpectedly, generating symptoms that can be overwhelming and alarming. Some of the symptoms are a hammering or racing heart, numbness, distorted vision, trouble breathing or swallowing, a sense of losing control, sweating, trembling or shaking.

Some panic attack sufferers feel they are dying or experiencing a heart attack. You may get completely consumed by these terrible feelings, lose sight of time, and focus solely on surviving the attack.

You may remember the severe panic well afterward, but you may not remember how you got through it.

If you have had this kind of panic attack before, you may be concerned about having one again, particularly if you’re in a scenario that makes you worried or afraid. When your anxiety takes over your attention, you may experience memory problems that is why Panic Disorder Treatment should be done before it starts getting worse.

When to consult your doctor?

Although occasional forgetfulness is not dangerous, it might worsen over time when accompanied by tension and poor sleep.

However, you should consult a healthcare practitioner if you:

■ Misplace things frequently

■ Ask the same questions or repeat the same stuff again and over

■ Forget crucial safety precautions such as switching on and off the lights and turning on the stove

■ Have difficulty recalling words

The reason you should consult your doctor

It may be helpful to discuss any indicators you detect and any indications your family members have observed. For example, you might unconsciously mess up words or tell the same stories.

If your memory problems are causing you grief, it’s always a smart option to get help. Worrying about what’s happening can increase anxiety and exacerbate the condition.

Panic Disorder Treatment

Whether you or someone you love are experiencing panic attacks, know that the problem is manageable with professional assistance. Left untreated, high levels of anxiety can develop into other mental health problems, such as serious anxiety, identified in patients with panic disorder.

According to the Mayo Clinic, it is also possible to have both illnesses simultaneously, and people should seek treatment for both.

Antidepressant drugs and lifestyle changes may be used in tandem for treatment. Consult a doctor or a mental health care expert from a recognized facility to ensure you receive the correct treatment as well as a diagnosis for your case.

How to cope with memory loss due to panic disorder?

Treatment for anxiety symptoms usually improves symptoms. However, this may not happen quickly.

In the meantime, try these tricks to improve your attention and recollect:

Jot down things

Making a mental note of key details can be beneficial in two ways.

For starters, writing things down increases your chances of remembering them. Even if scribbling a note doesn’t help you remember something off the top of your head, you’ll have a clear demonstration to refer to.

Write notes on a large calendar or keep a daily diary or planner. Do you like more advanced technology? Reminders can also be received via planning apps or smartphone notifications.

Anxiety can be alleviated by journaling. Exploring your concerns and their causes in writing will help you clarify them, so they don’t consume as much mental energy.

Your memory may improve spontaneously when you have less to worry about.

Spend time with family and friends

Keeping in touch with friends and your family members can boost memory in the long run.

Pleasurable social situations can help you focus on (and recall) other things while distracting you from anxiety.

Talking to individuals who love you about your issues might also help. Realizing you have their assistance can reduce stress, lower cortisol levels, and make it easier to sleep.

Make fitness a priority:

Exercising your body might also be beneficial

Exercise helps you feel better, reduces anxiety and depression symptoms, and improves your general brain health.

Start with something easy, such as a 15-minute stroll after meals, a weekend trip, or a beach walk.

Another advantage? Exercise can help you become tired, allowing you to fall asleep sooner and sleep longer. You may notice that anxiety symptoms, such as memory loss, fade as you obtain better sleep.

Making time to relax and unwind each night before going to bed might also enhance sleep patterns.


Memory loss is a typical sign of anxiety. This is due to various factors, including the neurochemical (cortisol) and the fact that if your brain is preoccupied with worrying, it is not preoccupied with remembering.

Anxiety symptoms such as sleep deprivation and panic attacks exacerbate anxiety memory loss. It can also exacerbate your anxiety, trapping you in a vicious cycle of anxiety and memory loss. The good news is that once your anxiety is addressed, your memory loss normally improves.

Exercise and writing things down are two things that can help you decrease memory loss and increase memory function.

Memory loss can be a sign of various serious diseases. Therefore you should always tell your doctor about it. However, it is usually nothing to be concerned about on its own.