10 Essential Features of Great Content Creators with Allcreate

By  //  June 16, 2022

Some people have an innate ability to create engaging content, whether written or visual. These individuals find it very easy and normal to do things that other people may consider difficult. They are usually very good at planning and storytelling, speech giving, and acting on camera. 

Whether you are in this category of natural-born creators, or you haven’t discovered such a skill yet, this article is for you. Even if you have a talent to create great content, you should develop this skill to stand out in the world of content creation. The Allcreate platform gives you a safe space to demonstrate the unique talents you’ve got to present to the world.

Content creation is a vital element of effective online marketing. It enables you to reach a larger audience with relevant information and connect with them. You can rise to fame in the digital space if your company and brand are known for delivering quality content.

Essential Features of Great Content Creators

For sure you have seen some folks online generating massive leads and traffic, plus engaging followers in their various online communities. Perhaps you are wondering how they could achieve such a great feat. Well, the reason is not far-fetched. There were some habits they cultivated that landed them in their dream future. This is not something you cannot achieve if you aspire to it and are ready to put in the work. 

10 features that will make you stand out as a great content creator:

1. Understand your ‘Why’

Great content creators understand why they are in an online space. The reason they are doing something keeps them awake all night, even when the goal looks impossible. Your “why” is the purpose or principle that governs everything you do.

Have you ever read an article or a post, and at the end of the reading, you asked yourself, “What is the motive behind this article?” What happens when you do not know the ‘why’ behind any action you take? Motivation goes away fast, and you’ll probably fail even before you start. For example, Allcreate platform is a place for users that are ready to share their stories and create unique content.

“He who has a why can overcome how.” — Frederick Nietzsche.

You should be able to create content that meets a particular need of your audience before they can patronize your knowledge and skills — defining your ‘why’ can determine if your business will stand the test of time.

2. Be Niche Relevant

Probably you do not want your audience to see you as someone with no direction. To be great as a content creator, discover your area of interest and create content related to this area.

For example, you need to have a niche before starting a blog. This will enable you to talk to the right people and make it easy for your audience to find you online. That does not apply to blogs alone, it suits any platform you want to share your knowledge on. 

Are you creative and talented? 

You can join Allcreate to create a community and connect with the people of similar interests.

3. Choose a Suitable Niche

This is why you should be serious while choosing your niche:

■ Niche makes you superior to others.

People remember you faster and place more importance on you when they know what you are doing. Any content creator or business that offers products and services without a niche will not last.

You will agree that when some content creators’ names are mentioned to you, you won’t need to check Google before you know who they are. That is the power of having a niche, and there are times you may not need to announce yourself. Your niche will do that for you. Great content creators are sure about their niche, which enables them to connect to the supportive audience. 

■ Niche helps you focus on a particular area

Focusing on your area of interest can help you invest in your unique abilities, credibility, proficiency, and personal brand. With a niche, you can impact your targeted audience and help solve their problems.  

■ Niche helps you connect to your Ideal Customers

A good reason why you should carve a niche for your content creation is that you get the privilege of having to connect to your potential customers. When you interact directly with your ideal customers, you know and attract them to your brand.

“When you talk to everyone, you talk to nobody.” — Unknown.

If you are not communicating directly with your ideal customers, your matter won’t make significant progress.

Examples of niches for content creators are:

■ Digital marketing

■ Savings and budgeting

■ Health and weight loss

■ Dieting

■ Lifestyle

■ Elegance and fashion

■ Family

■ Personal development and leadership

■ Psychology

4. Leverage on Storytelling

Storytelling is an essential skill if you want to excel in the world of content creation. Telling gripping stories to your readers can spark excitement and keep them glued to your social media platform or blog.

Research has shown that the average reader spends about 37 seconds on any given post. That tells you that your content must be worth reading if you want your followers to spend more than 37 seconds on engaging with your posts. Join the Allcreate platform and stand a chance of monetizing your skills to your ideal audience.

5. Know Your Key Performance Indicators

Great content creators know that publishing content online does not automatically lead to traffic generation. To increase your traffic and generate leads on various social media platforms, you should understand your key performance indicators. They will help you measure the success and performance of the content you put out.

Key performance indicators include:

■ Social media traffic refers to the percentage of people who engage with your social media content.

■ Direct web engagement is the number of people who access your content through your site’s link.

■ Organic web traffic refers to the number of visitors who access your content through a search engine link.

■ Conversion is the number of people who completed a particular task, like contacting you, buying a course, and subscribing to your emails.

6. Research and Follow Current Trends and Topics

Producing content that will generate leads and traffic requires you to be well-informed on what’s going on per time in the industry. Great content creators always update themselves on current trends and topics. They seek knowledge about every aspect of their niche, and not just areas they feel are important at the moment. The wider knowledge will help you know the opinions of your target audience at that period and adjust your content to suit the needs of the hour.

7. Write Consistently

Great content creators don’t write once or twice a month, they know that they always need to practice and show up to succeed in their business. You should not only write when you want to create content for your social media channels or websites. Practice writing even on days when you don’t plan to make a post. Develop a writing plan and stick to it, including long and short-term pieces of content.

Cultivate the habit of writing content daily, no matter how few the ideas you pen down. The goal here is to write something every day, irrespective of how big or small it may seem. If you want easy concentration and efficiency, you can discover a suitable time when your mind is calm and do your writing (early morning is a perfect timing!).

Allcreate is a platform where you can consistently create engaging content for your audience and also monetize your skills!

8. Have A Unique Selling Point (USP)

This is important to acquire if you want to stand out from other content creators in the industry. Great content creators know that they are not the only ones in their field, and for them to be distinct from other content creators, they need to have a unique voice.

To become a great content creator, you need to have a unique selling point that others may not have. That will compel your audience to come back to you even after showing up on other platforms or websites. Discuss your personal stories and give obtainable solutions from your experiences. This will give your audience an impression that your messages are valuable.

If you are writing for the specific company or brand, you may not be permitted to create very casual content. However, you can learn to combine your employer’s content strategies with your creativity. The ability to do this will present you as one of the most sought-after content creators in the months or years to come.

3 ways to create your Unique Selling Point:

■ USP should be remarkable

A message one can easily duplicate, like “high-value products modified to suit your needs,” is too common to create a permanent impression. Your Unique Selling Point should convey an unmatched advantage.

■ Make USP substantial

Your selling point should contain something unique about your products and services. 

■ Be client-focused

Your message must exhibit an aspect of value, benefit, or need for your client.

9. Share People’s Content, Including their Opinion

Have you come across content that makes sense to you and a you believe it will benefit your audience? It is not sufficient to copy content and drop it for your audience without adding your point of view though. Great content creators add their input to every piece of relevant business news they share and engage their audience with it. 

The more you conduct your research on relevant content topics, the more you widen your depth of knowledge. Do not shy away from sharing extra ideas and opinions about the topic. This may interest your audience and even the owner of the content. 

❗️ Never forget to mention the original author of the content and be respective towards intellectual property laws and reputation of other creators. 

10. Understand Your Target Audience 

Great content creators understand their followers, because they know that understanding people and their thought patterns is one of the essential elements in creating great content. For example, when creating content for ladies with long natural hair, you need to know some of the common hair challenges they have. Some of them are dryness, knotted hair, styling, recommendations for specific products to use, and others. This knowledge will give you an idea of the type of content to create that will offer solutions to these troubles with long hair. 

11. How to Identify Your Target Audience

These directions will help you identify your target audience:

■ Analyze the competition 

Great content creators visit other leading creators and watch their engaging followers closely. They find the most known accounts on social media platforms and see what these brands do differently. This knowledge helps creators know if they provide the best and most trendy content, because chances that you may be sharing the same target audience are high.

■ Research your buyers

The information you collect about people that visit your site or social media platforms and perform a particular task, like paying for eBooks or leaving comments, can be used to know the type of content to create and where to post it.

■ Organize a poll

Great content creators create a quick consumer poll to gather relevant information beneficial to their followers. You can ask your audience what they’d like to see on your page next. 

■ Do market studies

Great content creators discover research that reveals information about the people attracted to their kind of product and services. You can use websites like statista.com and emarketer.com to ascertain this.

12. Have a Mentor and Ask Questions

Great content creators are inherently curious. They have developed the habit of always asking questions about the information they already have and the knowledge communicated around the globe. This great content is informed by the insightful information they gather.

According to Lorraine Twohill, marketing head at Google, “You need to be curious to identify problems worth solving, and then come up with new solutions.” What makes content creators great is their ability to proffer solutions to the long-standing challenges. Do not be afraid to challenge the status quo to expose it to a thorough analysis. That can help people see from different viewpoints and enlighten them on how other folks understand a particular cause. 

Can you become a better content creator with Allcreate?

Content creators experience a lot of pressure, especially when churning out great content to generate leads and traffic for their company, client, or personal brand. We’ve outlined the smart route to becoming a great content creator. It all begins with the habits you have developed over time as a content creator. To consistently churn out successful content and gain a place for your brand, stick to a niche.

Develop relevant content in the industry and follow a workable content creation plan. That will inform the kind of content you create for your followers and, in turn, build your brand.

Join Allcreate and start monetizing your content today!