Brevard Zoo Sends Green Sea Turtle ‘Clover’ Home After Care at Turtle Healing Center
By Brevard Zoo // July 8, 2022
Clover was rescued on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17

BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA – After nearly four months of care from our Sea Turtle Healing Center, it was Clover the juvenile green sea turtle’s lucky day! They were recently returned to the ocean.
Clover was rescued on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, inspiring their name.
Clover came to us after nearby boaters saw Clover struggling to dive and looking stressed near Port Canaveral.
The Sea Turtle Preservation Society picked Clover up from the boaters and brought them to the Healing Center. Clover was buoyant and lethargic, and we found air in their coelomic, or main body, cavity through an x-ray.

Since Clover didn’t have any external wounds, our Healing Center team believed this turtle might have a tear in its lung that was leaking air into its body cavity.
A CT scan showed bullae, or fluid-filled sac, in the lung. Our veterinary team made a catheter with a one-way valve and placed it into the coelomic cavity like a chest tube, to release extra air. This prevented pressure from pushing on the lungs and organs.
While we don’t know what caused the lung bullae, we were able to help Clover heal with some time and care. A crowd wished them well as we released Clover at Lori Wilson Park in Cocoa Beach on Tuesday, July 5.