Comparing Cubic Zirconia vs Moissanite: Which is Better?

By  //  January 24, 2023

What kind of stone should you select if you’re looking to propose?

Moissanite and cubic zirconia are two of the most well-liked diamond substitutes, but how do you know which is best for you? Here is this piece’s main question: “is cubic zirconia better than moissanite?”

Here are a few things to think about before you decide to buy iced out jewelry like the moissanite:

Understand What is Moissanite

The stunning and distinctive gemstone known as moissanite was first found in a meteor crater. Moissanite is constructed of silicon carbide, as opposed to carbon-based diamonds. Its greater hardness and endurance result from this, which makes it a great option for engagement rings and other fine jewelry. Additionally, moissanite sparkles and burns more than diamonds because it has a greater refractive index

. Additionally, moissanite is a terrific way to achieve the appearance of a pricey gemstone without the hefty price tag because it is less expensive than a diamond.

Understand What is Cubic Zirconia

A lovely, cost-effective substitute for diamonds is cubic zirconia. Cubic zirconia, comprised of zirconium oxide and frequently used in jewelry, is extremely resistant to scratching and chipping.

It is a popular option for individuals who desire the look of diamonds without the expensive price tag because it resembles diamonds in appearance.

Cubic zirconia is especially well-liked since it is available in various hues, such as blue, pink, and red. Although cubic zirconia is not as hard as diamonds, it is nevertheless a resilient stone that, with the right maintenance, can survive for many years.

What Distinguishes Moissanite from Cubic Zirconia?

What distinguishes moissanite from cubic zirconia when selecting a fake diamond for your jewelry may be on your mind. The hardness and refractive indices of the two lab-made stones are comparable. You should be aware of a few significant changes, though.

The price of moissanite is much higher than that of cubic zirconia. This is because natural moissanite, which is only found in meteorites, is far rarer than cubic zirconia! Cubic zirconia is more reasonably priced because it comprises zirconium oxide.

Their color is a significant distinction between the two stones. While moissanite frequently appears yellowish or greenish, cubic zirconia typically appears white. The varying impurities in moissanite are the cause of this variation.

Finally, compared to cubic zirconia, moissanite typically has greater sparkle. Because of its higher refractive index, moissanite reflects more light than cubic zirconia. So, is cubic zirconia better than moissanite?

  • Brilliance

The winner in terms of brilliance and glitter is moissanite. This is because it disperses light more effectively than cubic zirconia thanks to its higher refractive index.

Because of this, moissanite stones usually have a brighter and sparklier appearance than cubic zirconia. Because it has more fire than a diamond, moissanite is a fantastic option for people who want their jewelry to sparkle.

Additionally, moissanite will always glitter due to its extreme hardness. Because of these factors, moissanite is frequently chosen by people who want their jewelry to sparkle.

  • Color

Moissanite and cubic zirconia are the top options when choosing an artificial gemstone. Both substances were developed in a lab and share many of the same characteristics. But there are some significant changes between the two, particularly in terms of color and clarity.

One of the most noticeable differences is that cubic zirconia is white, and moissanite has a faint green tint. The chemical differences between the two stones are what cause this difference.

Compared to cubic zirconia, moissanite includes more silicon, giving it a greenish hue. In contrast, cubic zirconia is created from colorless zirconium oxide.

In terms of clarity, moissanite can frequently have observable imperfections, while cubic zirconia is typically immaculate.

So moissanite might be the best option if you’re seeking a stone that appears like a diamond but has a hint of color. You can be confident that whatever material you select will result in a stunning and robust synthetic gemstone.

For individuals who want the appearance of a diamond without the price tag, moissanite and cubic zirconia are both fantastic options.

  • Price

The price discrepancy between these two artificial diamonds is one of the greatest. Since moissanite is a natural gemstone, it costs more than cubic zirconia.

Because it is artificial, cubic zirconia is less expensive. The moissanite is also the better option in terms of quality. It is more durable than cubic zirconia and less prone to fading, scratching, and chipping.

Additionally, moissanite sparkles brighter in the light because it has more fire and brilliance than cubic zirconia. For these reasons, moissanites are the preferable option for individuals looking for a fake diamond that mimics the genuine appearance and functionality.

  • Durability

Due to its remarkable endurance and brilliant brilliance, moissanite is a gemstone gradually rising in favor. Moissanite is constructed of silicon carbide, as opposed to carbon-based diamonds. Because of this, it is incredibly hard to scratch, chip, or break. Moissanite is a little more durable than cubic zirconia, with a hardness of 9.5 on the Mohs scale compared to 8 for CZ gemstones.

However, this distinction is inconsequential in terms of durability because both stones are robust and scratch-resistant. Because it is more durable than most other gemstones, cubic zirconia is perfect for daily use. Cubic zirconia can resist a lot of abuse despite not being as hard as a diamond.

Because they don’t have to be concerned about the stone getting damaged, many people pick cubic zirconia for their engagement or wedding rings. Moissanite and cubic zirconia are excellent options if you’re looking for an inexpensive piece of jewelry or a hard stone for daily use.

The Advantages Of Diamond Substitutes

If you’re looking for an engagement ring, give a diamond substitute some thought. Although diamonds are the conventional option, there are many compelling reasons to consider alternatives.

One reason is that diamond substitutes are frequently cheaper. This can be extremely useful if you’re on a tight budget or want to splurge on a larger stone.

They will also keep their brilliance and glitter for a very long time, even though they might not have the same resale value as diamonds. The fact that diamond substitutes come in various colors is another benefit.

Whatever your motivation for considering a diamond substitute, do your homework before deciding. You’re sure to find the ideal ring among the many lovely selections available for that particular person.


Getting high-quality, attractive, reasonably priced stones made of moissanite and cubic zirconia is possible. However,  is cubic zirconia better than moissanite?

Also, how can you tell which is best for you? Moissanite is a gemstone. It glows more than cubic zirconia, according to this.

If you want a ring that glows, moissanite is a good option. Hard stones like moissanite and cubic zirconia exist, but moissanite is a little tougher.

This indicates that it is more resistant to dents and other forms of wear and tear. Moissanite is a fantastic option if you’re looking for a ring that will last for years. However, because it is less expensive, cubic zirconia is a fantastic choice if you’re on a tight budget.