7 Signs It’s Time to Quit Your Job

By  //  February 14, 2023

We all had those bad days at work. Sometimes you can’t stand arrogant clients or have management issues. Nevertheless, the bad days go away, and you see another reason you’re doing what you do.

But sometimes you feel that these days never end. For example, you don’t stop thinking about work during a weekend or vacation; you struggle with self-esteem because everything you do seems boring and repeatable. Or you feel an emotional burnout close to a serious medical condition.

So, how to determine whether you’ve outgrown a job and have to look for another one? How do you not miss an opportunity for a career promotion? Let’s explore the red flags telling you the time has come to file for resignation.

#1 More Procrastination than Actual Work

Let’s take it from the beginning. You were motivated to find a job; you wrote many resumes and even hire someone to write a cover letter You landed an interview and went through the hiring process successfully. You started working. What now?

For some reason, you don’t struggle with completing projects on time. Instead, you prefer watching Netflix or chit-chatting with colleagues instead of turning on your laptop. 

We all procrastinate, but everything has its limits. If the daily duties don’t engage you enough, maybe this position isn’t a right fit. Perhaps you should talk to a career advice expert to find a better match for your qualification.

#2 You have Health Issues

It’s one of the critical reasons telling you to stop working right away: whether it’s an online job or an office position. If you start adding up the sick days to your schedule or you experience conditions you’ve never had before, think if the money is worth it.

Ask yourself: how often do you need a glass of wine after a “bad day” at work? How often do you have unexplainable stomach issues, dreading coming to work the next day? Do you work too many hours, interrupting the way you eat and sleep? No job is worth sacrificing your wellness.

#3 You’re No Longer in a Stable State of Mind

Mental health is a critical topic everyone’s talking about today. It’s never outdated since the way you feel from the inside affects your physical health directly. You may have trouble communicating with customers or executives; you may suffer from a toxic work environment that underestimates your value as an employee.

Therefore, if you are exhausted, irritated, or depressed for no obvious reason, talk to your therapist and work on the problem roots.

#4 Other Companies Make Offers

If other recruiters approach you, don’t reject an offer right away. Instead, attend the interviews, and negotiate higher roles and better compensation. If you’re unhappy with the current work environment and the headhunters reach out, take this as an opportunity to reshape your life.

Have you already received the calls from hiring managers? Take that as permission to leave if you’re dissatisfied with your current work environment and look for openings in other companies.

#5 The Boss Doesn’t Encourage You

One of the multiple reasons to quit might be a lack of corporate networking and promotions. It’s okay if you have a career advancement plan, but what if you spend years working in the same position with no changes?

Talented leaders know how to motivate their teams and increase productivity. They can navigate through unstable conditions to ensure that every individual is satisfied with their job. Your boss has to be a motivator and if you don’t feel that way, consider filing for resignation. Otherwise, why work for some unknown goal you don’t even understand?

#6 No Room for Advancement

Every position has to offer clear growth opportunities. For example, big companies conduct a performance review every quarter or half a year to evaluate the key skills employees have gained. The HR leaders are also responsible for training the personnel according to the company’s standards and ensuring the top performers are recognized.

Unfortunately, modern employers make a whole set of development mistakes. They think hiring is enough to increase productivity and achieve great results. In case the company doesn’t support your career progress, your professional growth will be suspended in the long run.

#7 Toxic Work Environment

The toxic environment is the most critical reason forcing good employees to resign. It’s hard to feel satisfied when your colleagues are harsh on you for no reason or your boss sets unrealistic targets.

It’s worth mentioning that you shouldn’t tolerate any type of harassment or abuse. Even if all the other factors work great: you have a solid position, a competitive salary, and many opportunities. Don’t sacrifice yourself to a work environment that negatively affects you.

It’s also about following a work-life balance: if you can’t sleep at night or think about another project, you won’t last long. Therefore, if something is bothering you about the corporate environment, find someone to talk about it: your boss, your therapist, your spouse, etc.

The Key Takeaways

The list of signs it’s time to quit your job is endless. This article highlighted only the most critical ones to set you on the right track. The main principle is that if you feel unhappy with something, you have to either communicate about it or leave it alone.

People may want to leave a job for several reasons, such as a lack of development opportunities, a toxic work environment, and a lack of encouragement from senior leaders. 

Open your eyes to alternative chances that call to you if you’ve lost interest in your career, and start moving on a path you are enthusiastic about. Don’t be afraid to quit a job if it doesn’t fulfill your professional ambitions. 

Find another place to boost your skills, connect with HRs on LinkedIn, and update your resume regularly. No one can decide for your career but you, and it’s probably time to take matters into your own hands!