Here Is Everything You Need to Know About Soy and Nutrition — Expert Advice from Andrew Demetre, Charleston Entrepreneur and Fitness Expert

By  //  April 7, 2023

Many health professionals tout soy as a nutritious source of protein, perfect for those who want to avoid meat but still bulk up. But there’s also much talk about how soy affects your body, with many claiming that it can disrupt the hormones that aid muscle synthesis. Which is it?

In this post, Andrew Demetre, Charleston-based bodybuilder and fitness coach, flips the script on what you thought you knew about soy and gets straight to the facts.

The Relationship Between Soy and Hormones

A significant argument against soy among male bodybuilders is that it can lower natural testosterone levels.

And while soy contains a lot of protein, especially for a vegan food product, lower testosterone can impact how your body builds muscle. Indeed, multiple research studies have shown negative relationships between soy consumption and testosterone levels.

There’s no need to panic if you’re a soy enjoyer: not only can your body achieve homeostasis if you reduce your soy intake, but many of the more problematic levels come from consuming high amounts of soy protein over a long period.

It’s also important to note that everyone is different, which means results can vary from person to person. If you aren’t overly concerned about your testosterone levels and love soy products, chances are you’ll be fine. But it’s worth looking into if you’re struggling to build muscle and have historically consumed a lot of soy.

Soy and Estrogen

Consuming soy products can also ramp up estrogen production.

Some cases have been so dramatic that male cases of erectile dysfunction and gynecomastia are attributed to soy consumption. These issues seem to improve when consumption is reduced or stopped, but it can still be a concern, especially for those who rely on soy as their primary source of protein. 

The Good News

There’s still hope for the soy-inclined out there.

Not all randomized controlled trials show an effect on testosterone production in men, even in subjects who consume up to 65 mg of soy products per day. The research suggests that it’s essential to keep an eye on the amount of soy you’re getting in order to avoid hormonal imbalances. It’s also more likely that you’ll experience estrogenic effects than testosterone issues, as the amount of soy you’d need to consume to see your test levels plummet is much higher. 

Still, hormonal imbalances aren’t good for anyone, proving the old “everything in moderation” adage true yet again. With that in mind, the best thing to do is monitor your soy intake and talk to your doctor if you see problematic results.

Bodybuilder Andrew Demetre, Charleston-based health coach, transformed his training during the pandemic to cater to clients who wanted to work out at home. He now realizes that this is not only his calling but also something that many clients prefer even today.

Demetre’s trademark training style, coupled with his passion for helping others achieve their ideal form, has helped people worldwide feel healthier and more confident in themselves.

About Andrew Demetre

Andrew Demetre, Charleston health coach, physical trainer, and bodybuilder, first found his calling during the pandemic when he realized that many of his clients preferred working out from home.

These days, Demetre uses his expertise to train clients from home, whether in the greater Charleston area or worldwide. Andrew firmly believes every client can achieve their ideal body through hard work and dedication — no gym membership needed.