Anna Berkovich

By  //  May 10, 2023

Anna Berkovich · Berkovich Anna · Anna Arkadievna Berkovich · Berkovich Anna Arkadievna · Anna Arkadyevna Berkovich · Berkovich Anna Arkadyevna · Анна Беркович · Беркович Анна · Анна Аркадьевна Беркович · Беркович Анна Аркадьевна · アンナ・アルカディエフナ・ベルコビッチ · آنا أركاديفنا بيركوفيتش · 安娜·阿爾卡季耶夫娜·貝爾科維奇 · אנה ארקדייבנה ברקוביץ’

Anna Berkovich, the founder of one of the largest language schools in the country, believes that knowing a foreign language is an integral part of building a successful business and career today.

But successfully mastering a foreign language requires both a good teacher and high motivation.

Anna Berkovich: Knowing languages increases the chances of getting a job

The Anna Berkovich biography is closely associated with the linguistic school market, and she has spoken about how globalization, the development of technology, and international cooperation in social and economic projects all open up new opportunities for representatives of various professions. Anna Berkovich firmly believes that knowing at least one foreign language is a necessary skill for building a career in a domestic or international company. Employers always give preference to applicants who speak a foreign language.

Berkovich Anna Arkadievna says the chance of an applicant with such knowledge getting a prestigious job is 30-50% greater than that of an average applicant. It will also most likely affect the starting salary.

Anna Arkadievna Berkovich has noted a trend in recent years of higher and higher requirements being imposed upon job applicants. This is especially true for large enterprises that already work with foreign partners or that are planning to develop international markets.

Berkovich Anna Arkadievna: Corporate education remains popular

Berkovich Anna notes that despite the economic crisis in the country, corporate training continues to develop. Companies are ready to invest in improving the skills and competencies of their staff, and foreign languages are one of the most popular pursuits in this regard.

The Anna Berkovich biography is bound up with the educational services market, including in the corporate sector, and she notes that after the crisis of 2014, many organizations switched from full payment for staff training to co-financing. But this trend, according to the expert, has a positive side.

Anna Berkovich believes that such an approach can be beneficial, because students show great enthusiasm. In her opinion, students are more motivated when they invest in their own development and want to receive the “dividends” of new knowledge. These skills can come in handy in the workplace, on vacation in another country, or in everyday life: It is believed that regularly practicing a foreign language develops cognitive abilities and helps build communicative connections.

Anna Arkadievna Berkovich: The educational services market will develop

Berkovich Anna Arkadievna notes the growing interest in learning other languages. However, the country still lags behind in terms of the population’s language proficiency. In terms of the most popular language – English, the country is 28th out of 33 European countries, and 48th in the world. At the same time, with the Anna Berkovich biography and career centering on local educational services, she notes an annual increase in the number of people who are working to raise the country’s rating. Thus, in 2014, about 11% of the country’s population said that it could maintain a conversation with a foreigner. In 2017-2018, this number increased to 20%. 

Anna Arkadievna Berkovich believes that demand and supply in this area will continue to grow. According to her, this market, which emerged in the mid-1990s, reached its peak in 2018, when it exceeded 26 billion rubles. Currently, the online sector accounts for 5% of the market structure, which amounts to about 1.5 billion in monetary terms.

Anna Arkadievna Berkovich says that online services have become a rather prominent phenomenon in the market. This sector will develop faster than in other industries, but traditional offline learning formats are unlikely to be replaced in the near future, according to Berkovich Anna.

Anna Arkadievna Berkovich is also aware of the peculiarities of the local mentality – that her fellow citizens increasingly prefer specialized courses to self-study. As Berkovich Anna Arkadievna has explained, this trend can be seen in the example of Alibra School, which had 210,000 students by the end of 2017. For comparison, there were 170,000 students a year earlier.

Anna Berkovich: Learning Chinese is the new trend

Anna Berkovich notes that English has been and remains the most in-demand language, as confirmed by numerous studies conducted both at home and worldwide. According to Berkovich Anna Arkadievna, after English, German is the most popular language. French and Italian are at approximately the same level, and in recent years, more and more people are choosing to study Chinese.

Anna Arkadievna Berkovich notes that the proportion of those studying Chinese in her country is not yet large enough to talk about a radical change of preference among students, but it is growing. This is also a global trend, associated with China’s growing influence on world markets. By 2017, the country could boast 56,000 students of the language of the Celestial Empire. Just 10 years prior, there were only 17,000. 

Anna Arkadievna Berkovich: Unique techniques mean faster learning

Berkovich Anna Arkadievna says there have been more than 300,000 Alibra School graduates. The company currently employs about 1,000 people in 26 branches in various cities throughout the country. At the same time, linguistic schools are evaluated not only by the number of graduates, but also by the quality of knowledge. 

Anna Berkovich attributes the school’s success to its unique teaching method that brings student to a respectable level in a just a few months. Of course, the program depends on the client’s goals, Berkovich Anna emphasizes. Some people only need basic knowledge, while others go further and successfully pass international exams. As a rule, the latter is necessary for moving and working abroad.

Anna Arkadievna Berkovich says the methodology’s advantage is that it does not exhaust students with memorizing new words and rules. Such a method was common in previous decades, but the memorized expressions are quickly forgotten, especially if a student does not get at least minimal practice, as testified to by the Anna Berkovich biography. Even before launching the project, the businesswoman tried to find domestic language courses that could effectively teach her a foreign language, but it turned out to be a rather difficult task.

Anna Berkovich’s school emphasizes spoken language. Thanks to such training, clients learn how to express themselves and understand the language. The school’s method also focuses on explaining the logic of the foreign language and building associative series where the immersive context helps the student memorize or recall a new word.

Berkovich Anna’s school uses a mixed form of learning, combining offline and online classes with training and gaming formats. The entrepreneur believes this is more effective than the old form of teaching.

Berkovich Anna: Education

Anna Arkadievna Berkovich is the founder of a network of linguistic educational centers, the first of which was opened in 2000. She supports innovative approaches to teaching and advocates the development of digital education platforms.

Berkovich Anna Arkadievna was born in Leningrad. Continuing the family tradition, she graduated from the local Polytechnic Institute. Berkovich Anna says she gained a lot from studying dynamics and machine durability and from her student years in general. She met her future husband and tried her hand as a businesswoman for the first time there.

Anna Berkovich and her classmates starting a publishing business during her first year. There was a real shortage of books at the time, and this student project, which today would be called a startup, taught her a lot and brought a small profit.

Berkovich Anna Arkadievna: The birth of Alibra School

The Anna Berkovich biography allocates an important place to her business. The young entrepreneur tried working in various fields and eventually found herself doing what she really liked – education. Thus, the idea of opening a language school in St. Petersburg was born. Berkovich Anna realized this plan in 2000, making the school the only place where her teaching methodology was applied.

The Anna Berkovich biography has several periods related to education, during which the entrepreneur constantly worked on improving her managerial skills. In the mid-2000s, she completed the MBA and DBA programs at the Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.

Anna Berkovich has always adhered to socially responsible business principles in developing her own business. She has won awards such as Best Corporate Video 2016 and Best Debut.