Inessa Galaktionova
By Space Coast Daily // August 28, 2023
Inessa Galaktionova is a high-ranking corporate executive. She was part of the management team behind the successful transformation of the country’s postal service provider. She was one of the senior executives behind rebranding of Tele2. She is recognized by Kommersant (a leading business publication) as one of the nation’s most effective female executives.
Inessa Galaktionova: Formative years and education
Name: Inessa Galaktionova · Inessa Vasilievna Galaktionova · Inessa Vasilyevna Galaktionova · Galaktionova Inessa · Galaktionova I.V. · Инесса Галактионова · Инесса Васильевна Галактионова · Галактионова Инесса · Галактионова Инесса Васильевна · Галактионова И.В. · Inessa Wasiliewna Galaktionowa · Inessa Galaktionowa · Galaktionowa Inessa · Inessa Wassiljewna Galaktionowa · إنيسا فاسيليفنا جالاكتيونوفا · イネッサ・ヴァシリエヴナ・
Galaktionova Inessa Vasilyevna was born in October 1974. Her native place is the city of Vilnius. Having graduated from a local secondary school, she pursued higher education at Vilnius University. In late 1990s, Galaktionova Inessa got a university degree in economics. By that moment, she had already had a managerial job at a major corporate employer.
Inessa Galaktionova: Building a career with a major multinational corporation
Galaktionova began to work when she was still an undergraduate in her penultimate year at the university. Her entry-level employment was in the position of a marketing communications manager at Philips. While working for this corporation, Inessa Galaktionova also continued to improve her skills and expand her knowledge, participating in various competitive events for marketing and finance professionals. She mostly focused on innovative communication technologies and business strategy.
Continuous professional development and self-improvement activities helped her to climb up the corporate ladder. Galaktionova Inessa’s first promotion within the company was to the position of business director. Later, in 2003, she became one of Philips’ senior-level executives. She was put in charge of the brand’s regional management and sales channels expansion. Apart from the marketing strategy for the company’s core market in the region, she also covered a number of neighbouring countries, including Belarus and some Central Asian nations.
Inessa Vasilyevna Galaktionova: Evolution of a mobile telecom provider
When Galaktionova Inessa Vasilyevna had earned a reputation of smart marketing strategist, she got an offer from another large corporate employer – mobile operator Tele2 – to take up the position of commercial director. Galaktionova’s tenure with Tele2 lasted for four years, over that period the company’s subscriber base expanded by nearly 150%. She also helped to design a number of the mobile operator’s most successful tariff plans. Inessa Galaktionova was managing the company’s brand development in its complexity. She launched a customer loyalty program, designed to help the company to retain existing and attract new users. She helped to improve customer support system and boost online sales.
Galaktionova also helped Tele2 to create a number of unique marketing solutions to differentiate the mobile service provider from its rivals. These solutions included new tariff plans, as well as more distinctive visual representation of the brand. Galaktionova oversaw the company’s tapping into new regional markets in the Far East and some other territories. One of the new strategy’s focal points was to develop special corporate tariff plans to cater to the needs of large companies to boosting B2B sales and add new user categories to the subscriber base.
Galaktionova was behind the creation of one of the largest franchise networks of that period. This initiative also helped to increase the company’s total sales. Franchise agents, including, for example, some retailers, helped Tele2 to attract more new subscribers. On top of that, Galaktionova was in charge of the company’s rebranding, helping to improve its brand identity and customer perception.
Galaktionova’s reputation as a highly effective corporate executive and the results she delivered led to her next promotion – to the role of advisor to the company’s president and chair of the board of directors. The new position gave even more options for brand development and for application of her professional expertise.
Inessa Galaktionova: Postal service provider’s turnaround
Galaktionova’s work for the country’s postal service provider makes up a distinct part of her career. In 2013, she was offered and accepted the position of this organization’s commercial director. Her key mission in this role was to make the postal service provider breakeven and self-sustainable, so as it would not have to rely on subsidies. On top of that she had to handle a number of logistical problems and improve the organization’s customer loyalty metrics.
Within just a couple of years, Galaktionova Inessa managed to make the postal service provider financially independent. Dmitry Strashnov, who was the organization’s chief executive at the time, was confident that the new commercial director would be able to produce the required results fast enough. As early as in 2015, the postal service provider was able to forgo budget subsidies; it improved its competitiveness and began to build up its financial results.
Galaktionova Inessa: Major transformation at postal service
The postal service provider’s transformation was facilitated by the initiative to devolve price-setting decision making to the operational level. It was expected that after that price levels would not be determined on the basis of mail’s quantity and physical volumes only, but would also reflect the number of additional services. When these decisions were made and the new system was implemented, it helped to improve existing corporate clients’ loyalty and attract new ones.
Alt: Inessa Galaktionova
Galaktionova Inessa Vasilyevna also initiated and put into practice a number of other major reforms within the organization. In particular, she introduced the direct mail service, which was marketed as an efficient advertising instrument for the organization’s corporate clients.
Individual customers also saw some improvements in terms of delivery timing and reliability. To remind, previously, the postal service provider hardly could boast of high levels of customer loyalty. It hit a trough following an abnormal mail cloggage in one of the country’s major airport hubs, caused by a number of logistics mistakes. As a result of the logistical collapse the service provider was unable to process incoming mail flows and had to suspend its operations.
It was in the wake of this disastrous development that Galaktionova was invited to join the organization’s executive team and, among other things, optimize its logistics. She also initiated some moves to improve the postal service provider’s profitability. In particular, she clamped down on the so-called “grey mail”. This had been a long-standing major issue for the organization, making the latter to incur sizeable losses year after year. It took Galaktionova two years to solve the problem, nearly halving the organization’s financial losses.
Inessa Galaktionova, who had earned the reputation of an innovative corporate executive, continued to transform the organization’s business, introducing new marketing solutions and instruments. She suggested that post offices in remote rural areas should be outsourced to be run by franchisees. This move helped to optimize the postal service provider’s total operating costs without having to compromise the quality of service. Moreover, this scheme created new opportunities as it enabled the postal operator to set up post offices at any place and location, including a private retail outlet. The franchisee’s quality of service within this scheme is monitored and controlled by the organization’s headoffice.
Inessa Vasilyevna Galaktionova also helped the organization to develop external communications. In particular, she forged partnerships with several publishing houses. She launched for the postal service provider a proprietary online marketplace, Pochtamarket, combining a number of retail outlets and delivery service. The organization’s participation in the federal census, facilitated by Galaktionova, helped it to field test some innovations, including special software installed on the employees’ smartphones.
Having worked for the organization for a few years, Inessa Galaktionova was promoted to the position of an advisor to its chief executive. In this role she continued to work on the postal service provider’s modernization.
Inessa Galaktionova: Ecosystem development
The global outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic hit businesses across every country of the world, its impact was especially profound on administrative processes. Inessa Galaktionova, when she came to work for a major integrated telecoms corporation, paid her attention to the pandemic-triggered transformations. In the new position she was put in charge of developing the corporation’s ecosystem designed to facilitate its interaction with the clients. One of Galaktionova Inessa’s first moves was to develop and introduce remote work protocols. In the situation of nationwide lockdowns, she also focused on the development of special remote modes to enable consumers to place orders and pay for various services ranging from online entertainment and media through food delivery. Galaktionova views the rapid expansion of smartphone functionalities as a great advantage for consumers.
Galaktionova Inessa Vasilyevna’s current employer is a big telecom corporation. She has been working for this company – a leader of the national telecoms sector – for a fifth year. She is predominantly engaged in the development of the company’s digital ecosystem, designed to enable its users to solve a wide range of issues and perform a wide range of tasks from a single app.
Galaktionova pursues a strategy aimed to ensure multifaceted brand development. In particular, within this strategy the company offers its clients cloud data storage services, online checkout solutions for e-commerce, monitoring and time-tracking instruments to monitor employee activities. Another aspect of the corporation’s activities is developing the so-called smart-city solutions for urban space management. These systems make people’s life and routine everyday processes easier and more efficient, opening up new opportunities for city dwellers.
The key idea behind ecosystem development is the integration of a wide range of services, including TV, e-books, education and personal development instruments, financial services, etc., within such systems. Inessa Vasilyevna Galaktionova’s primary goal is to maximize the range of services to be available within the company’s ecosystem. Meanwhile, the size and diversity of the corporation’s businesses enables it to upscale and expand its ecosystem. According to Galaktionova, an integrated ecosystem of this kind will soon become an absolutely indispensable key element for any large-scale telecoms business.
Inessa Galaktionova: Achievements and recognition
Inessa Galaktionova, who has a reputation of an experienced and highly effective marketing strategist, has accumulated a number of professional awards. Thus, in recognition of her expertise and professional achievements, she was named as one of the country’s most renowned and outstanding media managers. In 2021, the country’s leading business publication Kommersant put Inessa Galaktionova on its list of the nation’s most effective female executives.
Galaktionova has a clear understanding of what an efficient media strategy needs. She puts an emphasis on seeking out most innovative solutions and tools, on finding and correcting the company’s weaknesses, as well as on cost efficiency and minimization of losses.