Brevard Zoo Welcomes New Eastern Bongo Female Calf Born at the Zoo
Brevard Zoo’s Eastern bongo herd has grown by four little (for a bongo) legs! Bongo Denver gave birth to her first calf on December 28. […]
Brevard Zoo’s Eastern bongo herd has grown by four little (for a bongo) legs! Bongo Denver gave birth to her first calf on December 28. […]
In another win for a critically endangered species, Brevard Zoo’s female Eastern bongo Clover gave birth to another calf on August 25. The calf is male and weighs 48 pounds. A check-up by the zoo’s veterinary team found the calf to be healthy. Eastern bongos are critically endangered due to habitat loss and poaching in their native range. While every animal birth is special, this birth was particularly important because of the status of this species. […]