Women’s Business Center Features Gen. Ann Dunwoody

By  //  January 23, 2013


Women's Business Center
Women's History Month Luncheon
You are cordially invited to attend the 6th Annual Women’s History Month Luncheon hosted by the Women’s Business Center (WBC), the Florida Tech Alumni Association (FTAA) and the Zonta Club of Melbourne. Women Inspiring Innovation Through Imagination:
Celebrating Women in Science, Technology,
Engineering and MathematicsMarch 18, 2013 • 11 a.m.–1 p.m.
Crowne Plaza Melbourne Oceanfront

Cost: $35 per person. RSVP is required.

The Space Coast Community Award, Florida Tech Award of Distinction, and Joan Bixby Award recipients will be honored at the luncheon.

We look forward to seeing you at this very special luncheon.

For more information, to pre-register, or to pre-pay by credit card, please contact:
Reneé Couperthwaite at (321) 674-7007 or wbc@fit.edu.

Ann Dunwoody Honoree for the Florida Tech Award of Distinction
General Ann E. Dunwoody, retired Army 4-star generalGeneral Ann E. Dunwoody is the first woman to serve as a four-star general in U.S. military history. Dunwoody joined the Army in 1974, and was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Women’s Army Corps in 1975. Her first assignment was as supply platoon leader, 226th Maintenance Company (Forward, Direct Support), 100th Supply and Services Battalion (Direct Support), Fort Sill, Okla. Since then, she’s served at every level of command. Most recently, Dunwoody served as commander of the Army Materiel Command, or AMC, one of the largest commands in the Army.
A 50/50 raffle will be held at the luncheon to benefit the Zonta Club of Melbourne Scholarship.