POLL: Hillary Clinton Leads Trump By 1-Point In Florida, One Day Before Election
By Space Coast Daily // November 7, 2016
ABOVE VIDEO: One day before the 2016 Presidential Election, likely voter results in Florida and North Carolina, two states seen as critical to the final outcome, are too close to call, according to a Quinnipiac University Swing State Poll released today.
(Quinnipiac) – One day before the 2016 Presidential Election, likely voter results in Florida and North Carolina, two states seen as critical to the final outcome, are too close to call, according to a Quinnipiac University Swing State Poll released today.
In Florida, Republican incumbent U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio leads U.S. Rep. Patrick Murphy, the Democratic challenger, 50 – 43 percent.
The North Carolina U.S. Senate race between Republican incumbent Richard Burr and Democratic challenger Deborah Ross is a 47 – 47 percent dead heat, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University Poll finds.
Races which list both presidential and vice-presidential candidates show:
– Florida: Clinton gets 46 percent to Trump’s 45 percent, with 3 percent for Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson and 1 percent for Green party candidate Jill Stein, virtually unchanged from November 2 results;
– North Carolina: Clinton at 47 percent to Trump’s 45 percent, with 3 percent for Johnson. Clinton had 47 percent to Trump’s 44 percent November 2.
“After hundreds of millions of dollars and untold man-hours, and woman-hours, of campaigning, it would be fitting if the entire country broke into a chorus of “It’s beginning to look like 2000,” in the two states that matter most – Florida and North Carolina,” said Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.