VIDEO: U.S. Customs and Border Protection Provides Update on Border Wall Construction

By  //  March 30, 2018

ABOVE VIDEO: U.S. Customs and Border Protection Acting Deputy Commissioner Ronald D. Vitello provides an update on border wall construction.

(FOX NEWS) – President Trump on Wednesday shared four photos of construction work along the U.S.-Mexico border, a day after reports surfaced that he’d suggested using military funds to pay for his long-promised border wall.

Trump tweeted that he had received a “Great briefing this afternoon on the start of our Southern Border WALL!” It was not immediately clear who else participated in the briefing.

Department of Homeland Security officials told Fox News the pictures Trump tweeted were taken as recently as March 15 in Calexico, Calif., some 120 miles east of San Diego. That same week, Trump traveled to San Diego to review border wall prototypes in San Diego.

According to the Border Patrol, crews in Calexico are working on replacing a 2.25-mile barrier with a “30-foot-high bollard-style wall.”


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