SPACE COAST DAILY TV: Brevard Public Schools Maintains ‘A’ District Status with Significant School Gains

By  //  July 12, 2019

FDOE Releases 2018-2019 School and District Grades

SPACE COAST DAILY TV: Brevard County School Board Chair Tina Descovich discusses school grades that were just released. The Florida Department of Education has released the 2018-2019 school and district grades, with Brevard County earning an “A” district status for the third year in a row. For the first time in three years, there are no “D” or failing public schools in Brevard County.

BREVARD COUNTY • VIERA, FLORIDA – The Florida Department of Education has released the 2018-2019 school and district grades, with Brevard County earning an “A” district status for the third year in a row.

The Florida Department of Education calculates school grades annually based on up to 11 components, including student achievement and learning gains on statewide standardized assessments and high school graduation rates.

Based on the total number of points earned, Brevard Public Schools:

• Ranks #1 in the state when compared to other districts of the same size or larger.
• Increased its state ranking from 19 to 14 (out of 67 districts).
• Outranked the state in the percentage of A/B schools (70% of BPS schools are “A” or “B”).
• Boasts 23 schools that increased in letter grades (of the 23, Columbia and Roy Allen Elementary increased by 2 letter grades (Columbia from a “D” to a “B,” and Roy Allen from a “C” to “A”).

“I am so very proud of our educators, school leaders and staff for their enduring commitment to the students of Brevard County,” said Dr. Mark Mullins, Superintendent, Brevard Public Schools.

“This is fantastic news for our district and a testament to the focused work of our teachers to not only equip and prepare our kids academically but make a positive impact on their lives and the future of our great county. It is also important to recognize the hard work and best efforts of our students. This is truly a shared achievement.”

“I am so very proud of our educators, school leaders and staff for their enduring commitment to the students of Brevard County,” said Dr. Mark Mullins, Superintendent, Brevard Public Schools.

Schools showing the greatest gains include: B to A – Pinewood Elementary, Enterprise Elementary, Westside Elementary, Lewis Carrol Elementary, Cape View Elementary, Meadowlane Intermediate, Kennedy Middle School and Jackson Middle School; C to A – Roy Allen Elementary; C to B – Imperial Estates Elementary, Port Malabar Elementary, Lockmar Elementary, Christa McAuliffe Elementary, Riviera Elementary, Harbor City Elementary, MILA Elementary, Southwest Middle School, Johnson Middle School and Eau Gallie High School; D to B – Columbia Elementary; D to C – Endeavour Elementary, Golfview Elementary and Dr. W.J. Creel Elementary.

For the first time in three years, there are no “D” or failing public schools in Brevard County.

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Four of the District’s Title 1-designated schools; Columbia, Dr. W.J. Creel, Endeavour and Golfview, increased their letter grades this past year.

Endeavour Elementary, the county’s only “community partnership school” rose to a C, after several years as a “D” school, and prior to that, an “F” (in 2013).

“We are so excited about this news, especially as it pertains to our lower performing schools, as all of them received a ‘C’ grade or better,” said District 3 School Board representative and Board Chair, Tina Descovich.

“It has taken every single employee to achieve these gains, and I want everyone within our school district to know how much we appreciate their dedication and efforts on behalf of our students. This is a win for the entire Brevard community.”

According to the Florida Department of Education, school grades are a vital component of Florida’s accountability systems.

They not only enable parents to make informed decisions about their child’s education but provide the State Board of Education with data that helps drive reforms at consistently low performing schools.