Brevard Sheriff’s Office Animal Care Center Team Once Again Earns Impressive Live Release Rate
By Space Coast Daily // October 18, 2019
Live Release Rate standard is national tool utilized to determine how many homeless pets are being adopted
BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA – Earlier this week I was notified by our Animal Services Director Joe Hellebrand that our Animal Care Center had once again maintained an extremely high Annual Live Release Rate of 93.45 percent for the fiscal year of 2018/2019.
The “Live Release Rate” standard is a national tool that is utilized to determine how many homeless pets are being adopted, rescued or fostered from a shelter.
When our agency first took over Animal Services in October of 2014, the average Live Release Rate for a five year period was 55 percent.
Within 18 months, through the creation of amazing partnerships and policy-driven goals, our Live Release Rate skyrocketed to over 90 percent.
While our Annual Live Release Rate far exceeds the 90 percent requirement to be considered a “No Kill” facility, it is without question a direct reflection of the hard work and dedication of our team, our volunteers, our rescue partners, and our citizens who have all worked to make “No Kill” a reality in Brevard County.
As we have said from the very beginning, ”No Kill” status is not a one time designation, but instead is a long term commitment and promise we made to our community and one that by working together we will always keep.
Please join me in congratulating our Animal Services Team, our volunteers, our Rescue Partners, and of course our citizens who all made this amazing accomplishment possible.
As I always say “it takes a community to protect a community” and by working together we are changing the lives of homeless pets forever.
– Sheriff Wayne Ivey