WATCH: Rockledge Public Safety Director Joe LaSata Talks About How COVID-19 Has Affected Services
By Space Coast Daily // March 26, 2020
SPACE COAST DAILY TV: The City of Rockledge Public Safety Director Joe LaSata spoke with The Friday Night Locker Room’s Orville Susong and Steve Wilson about how COVID-19 has affected public safety.
BREVARD COUNTY • ROCKLEDGE, FLORIDA – The City of Rockledge Public Safety Director Joe LaSata spoke with The Friday Night Locker Room’s Orville Susong and Steve Wilson about how COVID-19 has affected public safety.
In 2017, the Rockledge Police Department and the Rockledge Fire Department joined forces and began operating as the Rockledge Public Safety Department.
The new Department is guided by Public Safety Director Joe LaSata. Deputy Chief of Police Donna Seyferth, Police Division, and Deputy Fire Chief Jim Wilson, Fire Division, oversees the day-to-day operations of their respective divisions of the Public Safety Department.
LaSata was appointed Chief of Police for the City of Rockledge in June 2013 after competing in a nationwide search.
His law enforcement career spans over 24 years, and he is the 19th police chief to serve the City of Rockledge. LaSata began his career in law enforcement with the West Hartford, CT Police Department, with experience in Patrol, Traffic, Detectives and Internal Affairs.
LaSata holds a Master’s Degree from Barry University in Administration, earned a Bachelor’s Degree from American International College in Business Administration and is a graduate of the FBI National Academy.
The Rockledge Police Department currently has approximately 90 employees serving a community of more than 26,000 people, covering 12 square miles. Rockledge is the fourth largest city in Brevard County with a police department budget of $5 million.
Rockledge is noted for being one of the safest cities in Brevard County.