Eau Gallie High School Students Help With Equipment For Historic SpaceX Demo-2 Launch
By Space Coast Daily // May 31, 2020
200 extravehicular tie wires for spacewalking missions flew into space
BREVARD COUNTY • EAU GALLIE, FLORIDA – On the Historic flight that took Americans to space on the first commercial American made spacecraft, from American soil in 10 years, equipment made by Eau Gallie High School students is along for the journey.
Two hundred extravehicular tie wires for spacewalking missions and five food/experiment lockers signed students flew on the Falcon 9/Dragon carrying NASA Astronauts.
Below are some images of the items which were aboard the spacecraft and used on the International Space Station and on Spacewalks by astronauts.
The commercial crew era has officially begun with the launch of American astronauts on an American spacecraft from American soil.
Control of the flight has been transferred from the SpaceX launch control team at Kennedy to the mission control team at the company’s headquarters in Hawthorne, California.
The nine Merlin engines on the Falcon rocket’s first stage are generating more than 1.7 million pounds of thrust as the vehicle climbs away from Florida’s Space Coast.