BCSO Lieutenant Bert Gamin Suspended for Comments Made on Brevard County Fraternal Order of Police Facebook Page
By Space Coast Daily // June 9, 2020
Lt. Gamin: I humbly apologize to all of you
ABOVE VIDEO: Brevard County Sheriff’s Office, Florida (Official) Sheriff Wayne Ivey holds a press conference in Viera.
BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA – Brevard County Sheriff’s Office Lieutenant Bert Gamin has been suspended for comments made over the weekend on the Brevard County Fraternal Order of Police Facebook Page.
The decision to suspend Lt. Gamin was publicly announced on Tuesday at a press conference conducted by Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey.
The comment Lt. Gamin posted on Facebook that drew the most criticism and gained national attention read as followed, “Hey Buffalo 57 and Atlanta 6 … we are hiring in Florida …lower taxes, no spineless leadership or dumb mayors rambling on at press conferences… plus we got your back…. law and order in Florida … move to where are you are loved.”
Sheriff Ivey called the comment “extremely distasteful and insensitive” and said there is an internal investigation underway.
On Monday, Lt. Gamin issued an apology for his comments made over the weekend.
“This weekend I made a posting on social media which was in poor taste and did not reflect the sentiment that I was trying to convey.
For that, I humbly apologize to all of you. I would especially like to apologize to all the men and women in law enforcement across the country who report to work every day and conduct themselves like the true professionals that they are. Their job is hard enough already and I’m afraid my actions just made it that much harder. I have been a proud member of law enforcement for over 28 years and have spent my entire law enforcement career advocating for and supporting good cops who serve our communities with pride and professionalism every single day.
In my recent FB post, I let my emotions and frustration with all the negative media portrayals of law enforcement get the better of me. My intent was to rebut some of the negative messaging and offer a supportive message to all the men and women in law enforcement, clearly I failed. I offer this to you not as an excuse, but simply as an insight to my thoughts. I admit that my post was insensitive and wrong and that it did not convey the actual thought that I was trying to communicate.
I am solely responsible for the content of my post which does not reflect the values that I truly believe in and adhere to. It also does not reflect the values of my employer or of any other law enforcement agency. Good cops do great work every day.
I deeply regret the my original post and sincerely apologize to all who have been negatively affected by it.”