SHERIFF WAYNE IVEY: Brevard Sheriff’s Office to Start Every Monday Morning With the Playing of the National Anthem
By Space Coast Daily // February 26, 2021
BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA – Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey released the above video announcing the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office would kick off every Monday morning with the playing of the national anthem or some other measure of patriotism called “The Patriotic Moment.” Below you can read Sheriff’s Ivey’s announcement:
SHERIFF IVEY: “Like most of you, I was raised to stand for and pay honor to the playing of our national anthem.”
Hello everyone, I’m Sheriff Wayne Ivey of the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office.
As many of you probably saw, Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks basketball team recently made the decision to stop playing the National Anthem before the Maverick’s games.
Now while Mark Cuban made every effort to show the nation just how unpatriotic he truly is, thankfully the NBA stepped in and ruled that our National Anthem would be played before every game.
To make matters worse, this past week while I was watching a re-run of Everybody Loves Raymond, I saw a commercial for the Daily Show where Trevor Noah decided that he would jump on “the unpatriotic train” in support of Cuban, and mock America for how often we play the national anthem at sporting events and other activities across our great country.
Check out this video where Noah goes as far as to say that the rest of the world thinks it is “really strange” that we play the National Anthem before every sporting event, and then goes on to lecture us on how the National Anthem should only be played at the start of international sporting events and not at all events.
Let’s be honest…anyone who truly loves America should be sickened by that video as you could clearly see in the video the clown not only mocks our National Anthem but goes even further by comparing it to saying grace before trying every flavor of ice cream at the ice cream stand.

Like most of you I was raised to stand for and pay honor to the playing of our national anthem and while I greatly respect that the Constitution gives him his right to free speech, what I don’t understand is what makes him think we actually care what he or the rest of the world think about how often we play the national anthem?
I mean think about folks, this is the exact problem going on in our country today, where people share their first amendment right or opinion, and then everyone else is scared to say anything or even better, tell them that they’re full of crap because we’re afraid we might offend someone or be attacked for voicing our own opinions of rebuttal.
Well, I’m offended, and let’s be clear…if you think that the greatest nation on the planet playing the national anthem before every baseball game, basketball game, football game, or even a special event is wrong, then too bad; get over it because we don’t care what you think!
In fact, to show you how little I or the overwhelming majority of America care about what Mark Cuban or Trevor Noah think, starting this week our agency is going to kick off every Monday morning with our incredible national anthem or some other measure of patriotism called “The Patriotic Moment.”

While I would never begrudge anyone’s freedom of speech or the right to their opinion, I refuse to allow their opinion to question our nation’s pride in playing the national anthem at every turn we choose.
If you are a Brevard County business owner, individual citizen, or even a family that wants to join us in paying tribute to our great nation, send us a video of yourselves saying the pledge, singing the National Anthem or even your business proudly displaying old glory to and we will include you in our weekly “Patriotic Moment” right here on our agency Facebook page.
Also, in addition to our weekly “Patriotic Moment, I’m going to ask every law enforcement agency in the country to follow suit and start their agency’s week off on social media with a patriotic moment of their own. Let’s show the world how proud our profession of law enforcement is to play the national anthem and sing it from the mountain tops.
Oh and by the way…to start this movement off on the right foot, our first “Patriotic Moment” will be sung by my incredible daughter Janna, who learned at a very early age the true honor of paying tribute to our great flag and nation.
Have a great week everyone and God Bless America!
– Sheriff Wayne Ivey