City of Cocoa Recognizes Advisory Committee Chair Jennifer Riggs in Honor of National Volunteer Week
By Space Coast Daily // April 20, 2021
BREVARD COUNTY • COCOA, FLORIDA – Jennifer Riggs has served on the Sustainability Advisory Committee for more than two years as the Chair of the committee spearheading the development of Cocoa’s first-ever sustainability plan.
She graduated from Cocoa’s first Citizens Academy last year where she learned all about the various departments and workings of her local government.
Cocoa City officials said that during the last two years, Riggs has worked tirelessly, contributing hundreds of hours of her professional skill sets, to lead the development of Cocoa’s Sustainability Plan.
“Her service is exemplary and novel since no other committee has ever been tasked with producing a work product,” said District 4 Councilwoman, Lorraine Koss.
“It was done professionally and leveraged the talents and expertise of other committee members, several of which are professionals in different facets of environmental management.
“If we had gone out to bid for the development of a sustainability plan, it would have cost us tens of thousands of dollars. Ms. Riggs has taken this challenge seriously, establishing deadlines and meeting objectives.
“The draft product currently being circulated with staff will put Cocoa on a sustainable path which will make us more storm prepared, environmentally friendly and elevate us as a municipal leader on the Space Coast,” said Koss.