How Yoga Can Help With Stress Relief
By Space Coast Daily // April 8, 2022
Yoga is often associated with seniors exercising or a slow method for developing flexibility and core strength in fitness circles. However, many people are unaware that the discipline provides far more than just physical benefits. It can also be a source of significant mental and cardiovascular health improvement through controlled movement, meditation, and practiced breathing.
Isolating Problem Parts Doesn’t Work.
The body operates as a holistic system, running its organs and circulatory system based on internal needs and external stimuli. When the external conditions start to raise demands, the body processes these demands both cognitively and hormonally. The brain fires instructions as intentional instructions and automatic controls, raising heart and blood pressure, breathing faster, and directing the various organs and systems to prepare.
The body also automatically releases hormones that boost physical response, heighten senses, and adjust the body towards fight or flight capability. However, both take a tremendous toll on energy and internal resources, so people feel exhausted and need a severe rest after a significant event or scare.
Regular, short-term stress occurs nearly every day. It helps the mind and body develop resilience for tougher and tougher challenges. Unfortunately, when the body and mind are jammed up repeatedly with the heightened conditions, better known as stress, the body doesn’t have adequate time to rest and recover. That starts to cause damage. In particular, elevated cortisol levels, the stress hormone maintained at high levels in the body repeatedly, will lead to insomnia, poor eating habits, exhaustion, mental problems like depression, anxiety, muscle pain and cramping, weight gain, and a lot more. Even those who feel immune to stress are more than likely to have a tough time sleeping when stressed, which is damaging.
A Natural Treatment Approach to Dampening the Effects of Stress
Yoga can significantly offset the damage from chronic stress. First, discipline movements and stretching help the bodywork muscles frequently stay bound up. This helps loosen muscle cramping, increase circulation, and deliver healing resources to damaged areas. It also relaxes, induces better sleep, and more recovery at night.
Secondly, yoga’s inclusion of controlled breathing and meditation also helps reduce blood pressure, reduce resting heart rates, brings stress levels down tremendously, and positively addresses mental demands that would otherwise contribute to anxiety, worry, and even depression.
So, no surprise, yoga is often recommended as a multi-benefit natural solution to de-stressing and boosting personal physical recovery from stress damage. Even when feeling under the weather, yoga can help. Doing yoga when sick helps the body maintain positive force and movement, which continues to push organs to perform, cleaning out contaminants faster.
So, How do You Get Started?
The above might sound good to folks struggling with anxiety or stress. Breathing techniques, yoga, or meditation seem pretty doable, even for beginners. But how does one get started? Ideally, starting yoga with a group is a smarter choice. A person can learn yoga techniques properly and start with simple processes instead of possibly doing something that turns into an injury. However, not everyone has a ready yoga group nearby.
Alternatively, one could go online and watch videos;. Although at the same time, it’s technically possible to follow these, a beginner will be missing the guidance that comes with an instructor being present.
Ideally, finding a class is the best approach. First, try community colleges or fitness centers, as many of them have instructors who are trained and regularly take on students who are beginners, running classes easy enough to get started with yoga without feeling frustrated or getting injured. Then, migrate onto more advanced classes.
This might take some looking around and maybe traveling further to find a qualified instructor. It’s also possible to take advantage of videos online at this point once one has the basics down comfortably and confidently. Finally, for advanced yoga, a person will be educated enough in the discipline to know what to look for and commit to as a specific training journey.
However, regardless of the level, remember that yoga is fundamentally about achieving balance again, mentally and physically. This is why it is so effective for controlling stress and good health overall.