Guide to Pitch Decks: 7 Elements to Include in a Pitch Deck

By  //  August 22, 2022

Do you need to create a pitch deck but don’t know where to start? You’re not alone. Many people struggle with creating the best pitch decks. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the seven essential elements of every pitch deck. We’ll also provide tips on how to present your ideas and increase your chances of funding. Let’s get started!

What is a Pitch Deck and Why Do You Need One 

A pitch deck is a presentation used to secure an investment or a business deal. It can be used to obtain a job, partnership, or sell your company or product. The best creative pitch decks are well-crafted and well-rehearsed. They contain a clear and concise message that is easy to understand. 

Imagine you’re a startup founder who’s just raised a small seed round, and you’re ready to take your business to the next level. You’ve heard that in order to do that, you need to create a pitch deck or hire a pitch deck service consultant. But where do you start? And what should you include in your deck?

Creating  pitch decks can be challenging. You want to make sure you include all the important details, but you also don’t want to give too much information. And you definitely don’t want to bore them.

The best way to create a winning pitch deck is to focus on the 7 elements that are most important for your business. These elements are:

■ Executive Summary

An executive summary is a short, concise overview of your pitch deck. It should include the most important information about your business. This includes the problem that you are solving, the size of the market, your competitive advantage, and your financials. An executive summary is a key part of any pitch deck because it helps your audience understand your business and focus on the most important parts.

It’s your chance to make a good first impression and grab the attention of your audience. You want to make sure that your executive summary is clear, concise, and easy to understand. It should give a brief overview of your company or product and explain what you do and why you’re unique.

■ Problem/Solution

The next thing you want to include in your pitch deck is a problem/solution slide. This is your chance to explain the problem that you’re solving and how your product or service is the best solution. You want to make sure that you’re clear about the problem you’re solving

People are more likely to invest in a business if they believe that it is solving a problem. In fact, solving a problem is often the best way to create a competitive advantage. When you are creating your pitch deck, make sure to focus on the problem that you are solving and how you are solving it better than your competitors.

■ Market Size 

The size of the market is another important factor that investors will consider when deciding whether or not to invest in your business. You will want to make sure to include information about the size of the market and how it is growing. You can also highlight your target market and how much of the market you plan to capture.

The market size is the total potential revenue that your business could generate. When you are pitching investors, it is important to demonstrate that there is a large market for your product or service. This will show them that there is potential for high growth and profitability.

■ Competitive Analysis 

In order to succeed, you need to know who your competitors are and what advantages they have over you. When making your pitch deck, be sure to include a competitive analysis that shows where your competitors are weak and how you plan to beat them.

Investors will also want to know about your competition. A competitive analysis is a great way to show investors that you have done your research and that you have a solid plan for competing in your market.

■ Team 

One of the most important factors that investors will consider is your team. They want to know if you have the right people in place to execute your business plan and grow your company. When you make your pitch deck, don’t forget to include information about your team, their experience, and what makes them qualified.

You should also highlight any awards or recognition that they have received. Your team should be made up of experienced and talented individuals who share a common vision for the business.

■ Product

People invest in businesses because they believe in the product or service that the business is offering. When you make your pitch deck, be sure to include information about your product or service and how it solves the problem you are addressing. You should also include information about your product roadmap and how you plan to improve your product over time.

Investors will also want to know about your product and how it differentiates from other products in the market. You should include information about your product’s features, benefits, and USP (unique selling proposition).

■ Financials 

Last but not least, investors will want to see your financials. Investors will want to know about your business’ financials, including revenue, profits, and burn rate (the rate at which you are spending money).

You should also include information about your runway (the amount of time you have before you run out of money). They will want to know how much money you have raised, how you are using that money, and what your financial projections are.

When you make your pitch deck, be sure to include information about your current finances and your plans for the future. This information will help investors decide if your business is worth investing in.

In conclusion

It can be hard to make a good pitch deck, but if you use the tips in this article, you will have everything you need to make a deck that investors will like. Your pitch deck should show off your product or service, your team and their experience, your finances, and competitive analysis.

Be sure to include information about the size of the market and how it is growing. You should also highlight your target market and how much of the market you plan to capture. When creating your pitch deck, be sure to focus on the most important factors that investors will consider when making a decision.