Liberty Caucus of Florida’s Bob White to Keynote Brevard Federated Republican Women Luncheon Sept. 7
By Space Coast Daily // August 10, 2022
meeting will be held at the Space Coast Convention Center in Cocoa

BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA – The Brevard Federated Republican Women will host their lunch meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 7 that will feature Bob White, Chairman of the Liberty Caucus of Florida a grassroots organization dedicated to working with the Republican Party to advance our principles and individual rights.
“His love for his native state and country drives him to be involved to the greatest extent possible in politics and policy at the State and Federal levels,” said Jill Gentis, Brevard Federated Republican Women president.
“He has served for 12 years as the Chairman of the Republican Liberty Caucus of Central East Florida and for eight years as Chairman of the Republican Liberty Caucus of Florida.”
The meeting will be held at the Space Coast Convention Center, 301 Tucker Lane located behind the Holiday Inn Express on Route 520 in Cocoa.
The meeting fee of $25 includes chicken Florentine with rice, a salad, roll, and dessert.
Advance registration must be made by noon on Friday, September 2. Late registration is $30.00.
Reservations can also be made by calling the 24-hour reservation line at 321-727-1212 or by visiting where you can make and pay for your reservation online. If you have any questions, call 773-896-8616.