‘Despicable and Horrific’: Brevard Sheriff Wayne Ivey Says Put Animal Cruelty Perp Under Jail Instead of Inside
By Space Coast Daily // September 21, 2022
SHERIFF WAYNE IVEY: Joeseph Alex Farkas was literally starving his dogs to death
WATCH: Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey said he would like to put animal abuse suspect Joeseph Alex Farkas under the jail instead of inside it after Deputies discovered two emaciated dogs lying paralyzed next to a bag of unopened dog food inside the Farkas’ home.
BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA – While I was unfortunately unavailable to personally walk another animal abuser into our jail, I was not going to let this individual off lightly as his actions are truly despicable and horrific!
This animal cruelty case started in early September when our Animal Enforcement Officers and Animal Cruelty Unit initiated an investigation following a call from a concerned citizen that Joeseph Alex Farkas was literally starving his dogs to death.
Once our team arrived at the scene, what they found was disturbing, as the two dogs, Katie and Darcy, were both emaciated and were actually in a state of paralysis to the point where our team had to physically carry them out of the residence for emergency intervention and medical treatment.
In fact, their conditions were so desperate that Katie had been paralyzed on the floor of the residence for several days and was lying in puddles of her own urine.
If that were not bad enough, our Vet team subsequently determined that Katie had actually suffered urine scalding from having to lay in her own urine and not being able to escape to safety or change her position.
And Darcy, folks, she was in even worse condition as our Vet team could see that Darcy was suffering from an untreated skin disease and total and complete emaciation.
Darcy was suffering paralysis due to Farkas’ intentional neglect and lack of compassion. In fact, our Vets determined that Farkas’ intentional starvation of Darcy had caused Darcy to go into an advanced state of hypovolemic shock.
Essentially Darcy’s organs were shutting down, her heart was unable to circulate blood, and she was days from death when our team showed up. This was all medically determined to be caused by severe starvation.
When rescued by our team, Katie weighed only 38.4 pounds and Darcy weighed only 31.6 pounds. According to our Vet staff, Katie’s healthy weight should have been about 50 pounds and Darcy’s should have been about 45 pounds.
And to further show you what evil looks like…a sealed bag of dog food rested against the wall directly in view of Katie and Darcy where our investigation revealed it had been sitting, unopened for at least a month!!
What kind of sick, demented, and cruel person does that to a helpless animal as our Vets believe that the bag of unopened dog food being in immediate view of Katie and Darcy actually inflicted further suffering, mental anguish and torment in addition to the physical suffering they were already experiencing.
There is no question that Farkas was intentionally starving these precious pups to death and showed no remorse as he told investigators that he “didn’t think his dogs needed any help.”
Well, they did need help badly, and you damn well knew it, but for whatever sick reason, you chose not to help them or be the responsible human you should have been.
Oh, and then you try to act all depressed when we got a warrant for your arrest, so when we came to your house to take your sorry butt to jail, you refuse to open the door and try to drink liquid detergent in an effort to avoid going to jail because you knew you would need medical attention.
Well, sorry about your luck, but our team kicked your door in before you could drink enough liquid detergent to harm yourself, so you went to jail just as soon as the doctor cut you loose.
Trust me, you deserve to be under the jail, but since the law only allows me to put you in it, that will have to do!
On a more positive note, I am pleased to share with you that in just a very short period and thanks to a caring citizen, our Animal Enforcement Officer, Animal Cruelty Agent, and our Veterinarian Team – Katie and Darcy – are thankfully recovering from this brutal incident.
As you can see from the above video, both dogs are now walking, running, and playing, even after being nearly starved to death by their one-time owner.
And even better, Darcy has already been adopted to a new “fur-ever” home and Katie will be ready to go soon enough with the continued care of our Vet Team and one of our gracious and loving fosters.
As to Mr. Farkas, enjoy jail and know that in the future, if I have anything to do with it, you won’t be able to get a PET Scan, much less another pet.