10 Ways to Avoid Relapse in Crystal Meth Addiction

By  //  November 14, 2022

Relapse is always a risk for those recovering from addiction, but it’s prevalent among those recovering from crystal meth addiction. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, over half of all people who relapse after treatment for crystal meth do so within the first three months.

But there are steps you can take to reduce your risk of relapse and stay on the path to recovery. 

Here are ten tips to help you avoid a relapse into crystal meth addiction.​

Seek professional help

While it can be tempting to try and recover from addiction on your own, this is not recommended. It’s essential to seek the support and guidance of a professional therapist at a meth rehab clinic or counselor specializing in treating crystal meth addictions to increase your chances of staying clean over the long term.

Develop coping mechanisms

Develop healthy coping mechanisms for dealing with stress, anxiety, and other triggers that may cause you to relapse. These might include practicing yoga or meditation, journaling, spending time outside in nature, engaging in physical activity like running or hiking, taking up a hobby such as painting or gardening, etc.

Finding new ways to manage negative emotions without turning back to drugs will help keep you grounded in your recovery efforts.

Follow healthy habits

Get enough sleep and eat a balanced, nutritious diet. When dealing with an addiction like crystal meth, it’s easy to neglect your basic needs in favor of chasing your next high.

However, this only sets you up for relapse by making it harder for your body and mind to recover from the damage done by drug abuse. Therefore, aim to get at least 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night and ensure you get all the vitamins and nutrients you need through a healthy diet.

Get support

Surround yourself with supportive friends who understand what you’re going through and will help keep you accountable during recovery efforts. This might mean breaking off any negative or enabling relationships that may hinder your progress and instead seeking out close friends or family members who will support your efforts to get well.

Find accountability partners

Establish a support system of sober friends you can lean on for help when tempted to relapse with drugs. This might involve joining a 12-step program, attending regular meetings with other recovering addicts, getting involved in an online support group, finding a sponsor or mentor within the recovery community, etc. Having reliable people to reach out to when you need guidance or support will dramatically increase your odds of staying clean over the long haul.

Look after your health

Practice good self-care by getting enough exercise, eating right, and avoiding toxic situations or relationships that trigger your crystal meth addiction. When it comes to keeping yourself clean and sober, it’s all about taking care of yourself on every level.

This means prioritizing things like getting enough sleep, eating nutritious foods, connecting with loved ones through meaningful interactions, and engaging in pleasurable activities free of drugs or alcohol.

Steer clear of triggers

Avoid spending time in places or situations where you’re likely to encounter people who use drugs or alcohol regularly. If your crystal meth addiction significantly caused you to isolate yourself from others during active drug use, this may be especially difficult for you.

However, the more you avoid environments where you’re likely to be tempted by drugs again, the easier it will be to stay clean over the long term.

Create a prevention plan

Develop a relapse prevention plan outlining steps you’ll take if you feel tempted or triggered to use drugs again. This might include things like calling a friend or family member, going for a walk, practicing mindful breathing exercises, etc. The important thing is that you’re prepared with specific plans to pull yourself out of the fog of addiction when it threatens to overwhelm you.

Steer clear of drug-abusing peers

Avoid spending time with people who encourage drug use or enable your addiction behaviors in any way, including those who may have pressured you into using drugs at one point in the past. This means breaking off toxic relationships that don’t support your recovery efforts and developing new friendships with supportive individuals instead.

Get help sooner rather than later

Reach out for help as soon as possible if you feel like losing control of your crystal meth addiction again. This might involve calling a hotline, talking to a therapist or counselor, attending meetings at a 12-step program or other recovery support group, etc.

The earlier you can get help when needed, the better your chances of avoiding relapse and regaining control over your life once more. Addiction is difficult to overcome on one’s own, so don’t hesitate to reach out for the help you need to stay clean and sober.

Final thoughts

As with any other addiction treatment program, the key to overcoming an addiction to crystal meth lies in discovering what works best for you as an individual. All too often, people become frustrated because they try using a one-size-fits-all recovery plan that doesn’t consider each individual’s unique needs, challenges, and goals.

This is why it’s so important to consult a trained addiction specialist who can help you develop a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses your needs in a way that makes sense for your particular situation.