IMAGES: Halloween-Themed Lunch at Ashley’s Big Hit at ‘Most Haunted’ Place In Brevard

By  //  November 1, 2022

VIDEO SPECIAL: Ashley's No. 1 On Top 10 'Most Haunted' Places In Brevard County

A group of about 30 lifelong friends from Merritt Island gathered recently for a Halloween-themed lunch at Ashley’s in Rockledge,  a restaurant well known for being haunted and was the perfect setting for the pre-Halloween gathering.

BREVARD COUNTY • ROCKLEDGE, FLORIDA – A group of about 30 lifelong friends from Merritt Island gathered recently for a Halloween -themed lunch at Ashley’s in Rockledge,  a restaurant well known for being haunted and was the perfect setting for the pre-Halloween gathering.

Event organizer Katy Springer said everyone was asked to wear a witches hat that they decorated themselves and a great time was had by all.

“We are all wearing hand decorated witches hats in keeping with the Halloween spirit,” said Springer.

“No two are alike and they are all hand decorated! We hoped to get to see the “Ghost of The Ashley” while we are there!

A group of about 30 lifelong friends from Merritt Island gathered recently for a Halloween -themed lunch at Ashley’s in Rockledge,  a restaurant well known for being haunted and was the perfect setting for the pre-Halloween gathering.
A group of about 30 lifelong friends from Merritt Island gathered recently for a Halloween -themed lunch at Ashley’s in Rockledge,  a restaurant well known for being haunted and was the perfect setting for the pre-Halloween gathering.
A group of about 30 lifelong friends from Merritt Island gathered recently for a Halloween -themed lunch at Ashley’s in Rockledge,  a restaurant well known for being haunted and was the perfect setting for the pre-Halloween gathering.
A group of about 30 lifelong friends from Merritt Island gathered recently for a Halloween -themed lunch at Ashley’s in Rockledge,  a restaurant well known for being haunted and was the perfect setting for the pre-Halloween gathering.
A group of about 30 lifelong friends from Merritt Island gathered recently for a Halloween -themed lunch at Ashley’s in Rockledge,  a restaurant well known for being haunted and was the perfect setting for the pre-Halloween gathering.
A group of about 30 lifelong friends from Merritt Island gathered recently for a Halloween -themed lunch at Ashley’s in Rockledge,  a restaurant well known for being haunted and was the perfect setting for the pre-Halloween gathering.
In 1934 the body Ethel Allen, a 19-year-old local of the area, was found brutally murdered on the shores of the nearby Indian River. She was a regular of Ashley’s, which was known as “Jack’s Tavern” during that era, and it was one of the last places she was seen. (Ashley’s image)

VIDEO SPECIAL: Ashley’s No. 1 On Top 10 ‘Most Haunted’ Places In Brevard County


Below is a list of locations in Brevard County with multiple individuals reporting paranormal activity.

10. The Compound – Palm Bay. The streets were paved in the 1980s by General Development Corporation (GDC), intended for housing development, instead, the company went bankrupt in 1991, and it became a playground for those with dangerous hobbies.

ABOVE VIDEO: Tour of “The Compound” by Adam Woo.

9.  U.S. Space Walk Hall of Fame:  Officials at the museum have reported exhibits being moved by unseen hands, although nothing has been taken away. To add to the mystery, some folks have detected an unexplained energy field in a certain section of the museum. 

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8. Apollo 1 Launch Complex – Kennedy Space Center: Many visitors report eerie feelings while touring the site where three astronauts died in a tragic accident in 1967.

BREVARD HISTORY: Original Cocoa To Merritt Island Bridge Constructed  In May 1917Related Story:
BREVARD HISTORY: Original Cocoa To Merritt Island Bridge Constructed In May 1917

ABOVE VIDEO: Tour of the Apollo 1 launch complex, posted on the Youtube Channel by Chris Astro.

7. Pritchard House – Titusville: Built in 1891, this historic home is known for lights turning on and a grandfather clock that pings even though it’s not running. It was home to  Lola Pauline Smith Pritchard, AKA Miss Lovie, who never cared for visitors.

ABOVE VIDEO: An overview of the Pritchard House in Historic Downtown Titusville.

6. Emma Parrish Theater – Titusville: Objects move on their own in the attic of this theater. Cold spots and weird smells are also reported.

Emma Parrish Theater image from Google Maps.
(Emma Parrish Theater image from Google Maps)

5. State Rd. 520, AKA West King St. – West Cocoa: This desolate stretch of state road travels through marshes that are often foggy and many drivers have reported sightings of ghost cars.

Route 520 Ghost Lights 580

4. Cocoa Village Playhouse: Reportedly haunted by a former handyman named Joe, who is known to open and close doors throughout the playhouse.

Historic photo of Cocoa Village Playhouse. Photo courtesy of
Vintage image of the historic Cocoa Village Playhouse. ( image)

3. Henegar Center – Melbourne: The balcony is known as the dwelling place for a friendly ghost named “Jonathan” who, like Joe at Cocoa Village Playhouse, enjoys moving objects and closing doors.

Henegar Center 580
Henegar Center in Historic Downtown Melbourne. (Google Maps image)

2. Georgiana Graveyard – Merritt Island: This cemetery is on a historic plot of land in southern Merritt Island. Multiple visitors have reported seeing apparations, hearing voices and seeing glowing orbs of lights near markers.

ABOVE VIDEO: A tour of Georgiana graveyard in Merritt Island. (Video includes music and sound effects that were added by unnamed author)

1. Ashley’s Restaurant – Rockledge:  In 1934 the body Ethel Allen, a 19-year-old local of the area, was found brutally murdered on the shores of the nearby Indian River. She was a regular of Ashley’s, which was known as “Jack’s Tavern” during that era, and it was one of the last places she was seen.

At least one of the psychics who have investigated the paranormal activity at Ashley’s claims to have had a vision of the murder of Ethel Allen taking place in the restaurant.

It is believed that Ethel’s murder is the main source of the ghostly activity which happens, much of which seems to be centered on the ladies restroom. One manager has seen the feet of a woman dressed in 1930’s era footwear in the next stall, only to exit the her own stall and find that the other one is empty. Patrons have also reported apparitions of a young woman in the bathroom mirror.

The haunting is not limited to the ladies room though. A common experience is a feeling of being pushed by an invisible force while ascending or descending the stairs.

Lights have been seen flickering on and off during the night, burglar alarms go off unexplainably, glasses and dishes fall and break without cause. Many employees tell of hearing whispering in the restaurant after closing, and often find objects have moved when opening the next morning.”

Photo from
Photo from

ABOVE VIDEO: Several servers discuss paranormal encounters with an apparition resembling a young girl. Beginning at the 22 minute mark, a server named Amy shares experiences that scared her to the point that she will no longer stay upstairs by herself at night. Includes interviews with several staff members, as well as an interview with her Great Great Niece, Candida.

ABOVE VIDEO: In 1989, Bruce Elrick produced a segment at Ashley’s Restaurant in Rockledge, Florida. The establishment was well known for its hauntings. Elrick spent the night there with a crew of two others.

ABOVE VIDEO: “Creepy Legends” investigates Ashley’s restaurant.

ABOVE VIDEO: A crew from Full Sail University investigates Ashley’s restaurant.

ABOVE VIDEO: A server at Ashley’s restaurant tells investigators scene of paranormal activity she has witnessed while at work.

ABOVE VIDEO: A cook at Ashley’s, who described himself as a former skeptic of ghosts, discusses paranormal activity at the famous restaurant.