Swim Melbourne Breaks Ground on $4.5 Million Aquatic and Swim Facility in Palm Shores
By Space Coast Daily // March 24, 2023
competition pool new training facility for Swim Melbourne age group and Masters teams

Located on U.S. Hwy. 1 in Palm Shores, the Palm Shores Aquatic Center will include a 10-lane competition pool and a 3-lane teaching pool.
BREVARD COUNTY • PALM SHORES, FLORIDA – Leaders from Swim Melbourne were joined today by local government leaders and dozens of community supporters to celebrate the official groundbreaking for a large-scale, $4.5 million aquatic and swim facility in Palm Shores.
Joined by the Mayor of Palm Shores Carol McCormack, numerous community supporters, and even children eager for their first plunge, the event included the groundbreaking shovel ceremony and unveiling of official renderings.
Located on U.S. Hwy. 1 in Palm Shores, the Palm Shores Aquatic Center will include a 10-lane competition pool and a 3-lane teaching pool.
The competition pool will be the new training facility for the Swim Melbourne age group and Masters teams, with a goal to grow the teams into national class programs. The teaching pool will attract young families for swim lessons and host adult fitness, water aerobics, rehabilitation, and triathlon training.
The grand opening of the center is currently slated for early Summer 2024.

“Today, our vision of a world-class aquatic venue, which will serve as both competition and training ground for the seasoned swimmer – and a fun, inviting and exciting facility for our local youth who are just developing a love for the sport—is closer to reality than ever,” said Mike Mirda.
“With the incredibly generous support of so many, including the Town of Palm Shores, individuals and businesses like Tom Hoffman and Swim Melbourne Masters, the dream is now one massive step closer to reality. Our small slice of heaven here in Brevard County is a sportsman’s paradise where a healthy and active lifestyle is shared by so many. This facility will embody the spirit of our love for water, competition and enjoyment of life,” Mirda continued.
In just two years, Swim Melbourne (ages 18 & under) and Swim Melbourne Masters (ages 19 & up) teams have grown to over 200 swimmers, and those numbers are growing at an accelerated rate and those growing numbers have pushed capacity within current local facilities, said Mirda.
This challenged the Foundation to raise funds and support to build the new aquatic center.
“This is an exceptionally exciting day for the Town of Palm Shores and we are proud to welcome this world-class aquatic center to our community,” said McCormack.
“I thank all of you that have worked tirelessly to make this day happen. We are honored that the Town of Palm Shores was selected for this top-notch facility. The Town looks forward to welcoming the residents of Brevard County to this facility and to our Town, and it will be exciting to watch the swim community grow, and develop further.”

Today, swimmers in Brevard are underserved — with below-average school swim programs, without an all-inclusive USA Swimming club team, and most importantly, without a sustainable lessons program. The Swim Melbourne Foundation was created to build an aquatic center that will deliver its mission.
The Palm Shores Aquatic Facility—the only state-of-the-art aquatic complex in Brevard—will primarily provide the county with a sustainable, competitive and fun environment for swimmers of all ages.
“I am pleased to be a part of this wonderful endeavor,” added Thomas Hoffman, avid USMS swimmer, and retired neurologist. The new swim facility is desperately needed and will help support and promote the sport of swimming in Brevard County.”
“It was easy to see the demographic needs for a facility like this in this area,” added Steve Young, a local philanthropist. “However, it was when I met Mike Mirda and saw the energy and honest commitment from him that I knew that this is a great investment for our community.”

Swim Melbourne Foundation is a nonprofit organization committed to promoting a safe and active swimming lifestyle in Brevard County children by expanding the opportunities to participate in the sport of swimming.
“Building the Palm Shores Aquatic Complex is not only crucial in creating generations of water-safe children but also a symbol of community – and a catalyst for healthy living,” said Kelly Parker, a Masters swimmer and podcaster.
“The pool will provide a space where children and families can bond, neighbors can connect, and champions can be created. This pool represents an investment not only in our physical well-being but also in our social fabric, which is paramount to our overall health.”
For more information or to support Swim Melbourne and the Palm Shores Aquatic Facility, please visit www.swimmelbournefoundation.org.