WATCH: Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey Shares Thanksgiving Message

By  //  November 23, 2023

Message from Sheriff Wayne Ivey

ABOVE VIDEO: Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey Shares Thanksgiving Message

BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA – On behalf of the 1,700 proud men and women of the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office, we hope you and your family a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving with your friends and family.

As Law Enforcement Officers in Brevard County, we have much to be thankful for, as we live, work and raise our families in a community where our citizens partner with us each and every day to keep our community safe.

As I tell everyone…”there is no better place to serve as a Law Enforcement Officer than in Brevard County where our citizens love us, trust us, and protect us, just as much as we love, trust and protect them!!” Trust me when I tell you that our team members experience first hand the amazing impact of having a community that loves them and for that, we are forever grateful.

The proud men and women of our agency are extremely honored to have the support of our entire community and we thank you for always standing with us as our team members stand guard at the door to keep evil away.

And as for me personally, I am thankful for my incredible wife Susan Ann, our children, my partner Junny, our friends, and the brave men and women of our agency who do amazing things to protect our community!

And of course, I am extremely thankful for you allowing me to continue serving as your Sheriff where I get the opportunity to work alongside the most incredible Law Enforcement Officers in the country.

Have A Great Thanksgiving!

– Sheriff Wayne Ivey