Medical News Today: Study Says Positive Attitude = Better Health Outcomes

By  //  October 12, 2015

Bask in the wonderful fragrance of the rose rather than fret over the sharpness of its thorns.
Bask in the wonderful fragrance of the rose rather than fret over the sharpness of its thorns.

EDITOR’S NOTE: “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.” – Abraham Lincoln

It makes sense to me that “attitude,” which is defined on as “tendency or orientation of the mind” would have an inherent impact on our overall health and well-being.

This Medical News Today article reports on recent research that suggests efforts to sustain or enhance positive emotions can promote better health behaviors and ultimately lead to benefits and applications for specific health conditions.

— Dr. Jim Palermo, Editor-in-Chief

How Can Happiness Make Your Heart Healthier?

MEDICAL NEWS TODAY — There is a proverb that tells us, “A cheerful heart is good medicine.” Researchers at Penn State University have been investigating how positive thinking can lead to good habits – and better health outcomes – for patients with heart disease.

The findings are published in the journal Psychomatic Medicine.

A positive outlook on life is good for your heart
A positive outlook on life is good for your heart

“Positive psychology” has become a popular, although sometimes controversial, field in recent years.

Some research has indicated that positive thinking can increase longevity; it has been seen to improve outcomes in patients with breast cancer and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Additionally, recovery and survival rates following heart bypass surgery appear to be improved in those who think positively.

Negative emotions and depression, conversely, are known to have harmful effects on health.

CLICK HERE to learn more about positive attitudes leading to better health habits and outcomes on